Page 83 of Devastate Me
“If she ever has the kid again, I need photos, video, and fucking audio too if you can get it. It’s important that the kid is in those shots, and we can identify him.”
“Whose kid?”
“Kip’s,” Scout answered.
“Aw, fuck. I’ll be sure to make him a priority, if I see it. Do you need me to call in, so someone can come pick him up, if that’s the case?”
“Not unless he’s being hurt, and then, we’ll pay you for the pleasure of making sure he stays out of harm’s way until we can get to him.”
“Will do and no extra payment necessary for shit like that.”
“Let me know when you have something with the baby, too. I hate to put the little guy in that position, but we need every bit of evidence we can get. Not only so Kip believes us, but so the courts will believe him if he wants to take things the legal way.”
“I have it handled,” Grant told me before leaning in and addressing Scout. “Give me a call later, babe. We need to catch up.”
She nodded her head and threw the car in gear and got us the hell out of there. “You got something going with him?”
“He wishes,” she said right before she flicked the stereo on and turned it up. I took the hint and shut my fucking mouth the rest of the way to the little coffee shop another county over.
“This place doesn’t scream VOMC to you, does it?”
“Nope. The fuckers were obviously careful about where they sent the email from, but let’s check in with the owners before we go. Could be they have video we can take a look at and maybe see who the fuck we’re dealing with. We only think it’s Mal pulling the strings, but I want a list of the other fuckers involved.”
“When we find their clubhouse, we should probably take them out like those bastards did to the Alabama club a few years ago.”
“Fuck, that was a bad time.”
“I only heard about it after I came back. Kip was telling me the long story about why his sister didn’t have anything to do with him and how worried he was that Star had been out on her own so long. I guess, her leaving all started around the time the Alabama Chapter took that hit.”
“It did. That was a fucked-up time. Bagger’s lucky she forgave him for being terminally stupid.”
Scout laughed her ass off before finally pulling it together and getting out of the car. Our trip turned out to be for nothing. The owner said she allowed all the local teens to use the computer if they told her they were filling out job applications. The bleeding heart didn’t realize they were using her shit for criminal stuff that could get her hemmed up with the law, too. We weren’t going to be the ones who enlightened her. Since there wasn’t any video, we headed back home.
Chapter 33
After nearly a full month of everyone being stuck together at the clubhouse, Tripp finally called all the adults to gather in the common room. There were things I knew the club kept from me, despite me being the target of whoever Creepy Dave had been working with. Still, I was hopeful that maybe the club finally took care of the problem, like they did Creepy Dave. I was okay with it going down like that. There wasn’t some great desire to know every detail of the outcome. I just wanted to know that I was safe again.
“I know everyone is sick of living like a bunch of sardines in a can,” Tripp started.
“Starting to smell like a bunch of sardines in some rooms, too,” one of the wives called out. I wasn’t familiar with her because she only spoke to other old ladies or the men. She didn’t converse with the club girls, and she didn’t feel my nanny position, or the fact that I was Breakneck’s girlfriend, deserved any better treatment. Fair enough. She didn’t know me, and I didn’t want to know her.
“Enough,” Tripp scolded her. “You are all here to listen right now, so that’s what you’re going to do. No comments, snide remarks, complaints, or protests. Sit down, shut up, and when we’re done here, you will do as you’re told.”
I was holding Knoxville, and trying to keep him entertained, but my eyes tracked the room to see where Breakneck was. I found him at the bar with a beer in his hand. Frustration, tension, or something else pulled at his features and made me worry for whatever this announcement would reveal. Most of the club girls were seated around the bar as well and I didn’t think that boded well for my future as his girlfriend. We were still basically living together, and we had sex regularly, but truth be told, it was boring and stale. We had only ever done it in one position other than missionary, and that was the horrible shower incident that ended up on video.
It upset me that Breakneck was across the room, sitting with the club’s whores while I was on this side, taking care of his club brother’s kid. Kip was not at the meeting, and it made me wonder if something being discussed was about him. I hoped he was okay.
“We’ve all been on edge and most of you are ready to get back home and to your lives. The threat isn’t gone yet, but we’re confident that we have it under control. We’re going to release everyone from lockdown, but there are rules you will need to follow to help keep everyone safe,” Tripp explained.
“What rules?” One of the wives called out.
I could see Tripp was close to losing his patience. “I know you all were here and heard me when I said to sit down, shut up, and do as you’re told. Don’t interrupt me again, and maybe I’ll have a chance to answer your questions before you even think of how to phrase them.”
The woman’s face bloomed with a bright red tint that showed she was either embarrassed or angry at being reprimanded. From the looks of her face, it was a bit of both.
“You are going to go back to your homes, jobs, schools, or whatever else it is you do. You will not leave those places without an escort. Everyone, from our support members to the club girls, wives, children, and even the club members will use the buddy system until we tell you otherwise. If you absolutely have to go do something and don’t have someone to go with you, you will call the clubhouse and ask for an escort. There will be zero exceptions to that rule or we will all be on lockdown again, and no one fucking wants that.”