Page 94 of Devastate Me
Chapter 37
“Why is your mother texting me?”
“How should I know?”
Jeremy stared at me for a minute and then back down at his phone. “When was the last time you spoke to her?”
“The day after I found out you weren’t my dad.”
“Nova,” the man who had been my father for most of my life looked devastated. “I had no clue that you two weren’t on speaking terms.”
“Did you think I’d high five her for getting one over on you and then run off into the sunset with her and Clark?”
“She said he was your dad,” Jeremy stated sadly.
“She said you were my dad, too. Besides, he left me behind just as surely as my mother did, so that they really could go be free together. I think they left the country, but honestly, I wouldn’t know.”
Jeremy turned his phone to show me the texts between him and my mother.
Ex-Whore:Clark was picked up by some bikers and they beat him up pretty good before they took him.
Jeremy:This doesn’t concern me.
Ex-Whore:They were looking for Nova. You can’t be so heartless that you aren’t concerned about her.
“She says some bikers came and roughed up Clark then took him. They’re supposedly looking for you.”
I bit my lip nervously as I thought about what that could mean. It could be the Savage Vipers trying to make sure I was safe. If any of them had found my car at the gas station, they might be worried about what happened. Then again, it was possible that the Violent Order MC was the one who snatched Clark up, thinking that he could lead them to me.
“Do you want to turn me over to them to get Clark back? I guarantee there’s only one reason my mother would concern herself with my whereabouts and it has nothing to do with protecting me and everything to do with protecting whoever is her latest paycheck.”
“I’m not telling her anything,” Jeremy insisted. Then he turned his phone off, opened the little side compartment, and took out the SIM card. He didn’t do anything drastic like break it, drown it in water, or anything else. He just took it out and set it beside the phone on the counter. “I promised to keep you safe here.”
“I wish that I hadn’t left my car behind.” February was creeping up fast and I felt caged in without a ride of my own. The temptation to go spend some of the money Jeremy put aside for me on a car was real. The problem with doing that, was that I would have to register the vehicle somehow and that could be traced. The men who were trying to hunt me down might not have been able to access that information, but I knew for certain that Scout could do it, if the Savage Vipers were even still looking for me by now. I had sent Kip a text, so I doubted they were, but didn’t want to chance it just in case.
“Chances were high that someone had your car bugged, especially considering what you told me about the house you were living in before. Then there were the people who are after you, and the club you ran from. Someone most likely had a tracker at the very least on your car and we didn’t have the time to look for it.”
“I know. I just feel stranded and like everything is out of my control again. You don’t understand what happened when your family sent those people to take everything from me, including the only place I had to live.”
“I can’t apologize enough for that, Nova. I had no clue that my family planned to do something like that. Even after it was done, they told me you just disappeared from the apartment and left everything behind.”
“And you just took them at their word that I disappeared and didn’t think someone might want to check on me?”
“It wasn’t like that. They claimed they spoke to you and that you rejected our family and money since we weren’t yours.”
I laughed at that. “You’ve known me my whole life and you believed that?”
“Nova, you have to understand, the entire foundation of my life was ripped out from under me when I found out you weren’t my daughter. I didn’t know what to believe anymore and I chose to believe the easy answers and not look too closely at the reality because I couldn’t handle another hit.”
“I guess that makes two of us then.” We had been over all this before, but it was still hard to wrap my brain around.
Jeremy sighed and it worried me because there was obviously something else he wanted to tell me that had him feeling anxious.
“You might as well just tell me whatever it is now, rather than waiting until I’m worried you’re hiding something or lying to me,” I informed him.
The quick bark of laughter that followed wasn’t necessarily surprising. “You always were far too astute for your own good.”