Page 96 of Devastate Me
“Prez, your daughter’s out here and she seems to need you kinda bad,” the kid said into what looked like an old-fashioned walkie talkie.
“Well, let her in, dammit!” Someone yelled back through the thing, but I honestly couldn’t tell if it had been Tripp or not. My heart was beating so loud, it was nearly all I could hear. As soon as the gate slid open just enough, I slipped the car inside and headed for the clubhouse. The door opened and both Tripp and his son came running outside, most likely thinking that Star was in trouble,
“What the hell?” Tripp asked as Kip called out my name. “Nova?”
“Where in the hell is my father?” I screamed as I parked the car and got out to face off with the men I’d once thought of as family. “Where have you taken him? I want to see him right now! You had no right.”
They both seemed to be stuck in a semi-shocked state for just a minute before Tripp pulled back out of it. “Listen, Clark was…”
“That asshole isn’t my father. Where the hell is Jeremy?”
The clubhouse door banged open once more and out walked Bagger and right behind him, Breakneck came running. Scout followed the two of them, and when I saw her hand clinging to Breakneck’s arm, I figured he had gotten over me easily enough. He’d sent me away to have his club whore affairs after all. Now that Scout was a member, I guess he upgraded to fucking members, too.
I shook off the thought because none of that mattered. I was there for one reason, and that was to set my father free. He was guilty of nothing but loving me and I wouldn’t allow him to be hurt by people I had once trusted.
“Take me to my father! Take me to Jeremy Williamson, now.”
“Nova?” Breakneck called out, and it was weird to hear his voice break as he did so. My eyes never wavered from Tripp’s.
“I’m talking to the President of the Savage Viper’s MC. You have taken my father hostage for some reason, and I want him back. He’s done nothing. NOTHING.”
“Okay, darlin’.” Tripp called out as he took a step closer with his hands in the air, as if I was holding them at gunpoint. “It’s really good to see you. We’ve all been worried about you.” The rest of the men started to follow in Tripp’s footsteps and move closer.
“STOP!” I screamed at them. They all obeyed as if it was a command, and they were there to serve. “I ONLY want to talk to Tripp. Everyone else needs to leave.”
“That’s not going to happen, Nova.” It was Breakneck. I ignored him and continued to keep my eyes on Tripp.
“If you don’t do this, I have a friend who is willing to dial 9-1-1 and report two abductions by your MC - that of my father and me. I suggest you listen to what I’m saying because I’m done playing your sick games.”
“What sick games do you think we’re playing?” Tripp asked.
“You stole my dad. I know you have him because my mother texted and told him that you guys had Clark and then when my father came back to town on business, he disappeared. It’s not too hard to figure out that you’re the ones who took him. I want him back.”
“I’m not going to lie to you, Nova. We do have him here, but for his own protection because he was poking a hornet’s nest and nearly got himself killed.”
“So, there’s not a scratch on him then?” I asked and by the way all the men fidgeted, I knew they couldn’t answer in the affirmative.
“I can’t promise you that either. He provoked Breakneck and told him he had you stashed away somewhere he’d never find you.”
I rolled my eyes. “What the hell does he care? He didn’t want me here anyway.”
“That’s not true,” Breakneck tried to deny.
“I’M NOT TALKING TO YOU!” I yelled, but again never bothered to look at the man who had broken my heart. “I want to see my father.”
“Do you mind telling me what changed, because when you were working for my son, you didn’t want anything to do with any of your parents, since they abandoned you and left you in a position to wind up living with a serial killer.”
“Send them away,” I demanded again, though I was losing steam and my body had started to shake. Hopefully, none of them noticed. That hope was diminished when I heard Scout speak.
“She looks like she’s going into shock. You need to hurry this along, so she can be treated.”
That was the first time I took my eyes off of Tripp instead of taking everything in through my peripheral vision. Scout was still clinging onto Breakneck’s arm, claiming her territory.
“Don’t worry, he’s all yours. I don’t want a whore’s leftovers,” I called out to her.She snapped back as if I’d physically slapped her and immediately dropped the hand she had wrapped around Breakneck’s bicep.
“You don’t call one of our members a whore,” Breakneck corrected in an angry tone.
“Get rid of them,” I demanded again before holding up my phone and pushing a button. “They’re not cooperating,” I said.