Page 98 of Devastate Me
“Swear to me on your club, your blood, that you will let us walk out of there after he’s seen.”
“I promise you and swear it on my patch, my blood, and anything else you need me to swear to.” Tripp agreed.
“Fine.” I followed him into the clubhouse where it seemed like every member was standing around in the communal space. The whores were there, too, on the periphery. I didn’t miss the fact that the two women Breakneck had been in that room with were sitting up at the bar. Once they noticed it was me, they both looked away and slinked off the barstools they’d been perched on. I watched as they left the room and some of the men shuffled the rest of the whores out as well.
I wasn’t sure if they were removed from my sight to make me feel better or if they simply weren’t allowed to see my father or know what had been done to him.
“Nova,” Breakneck called to me as he closed the distance between us.
“I have nothing to say to you.”
“Nova, please,” he tried again. I could hear the strain in his voice, as if it meant the world to him that I hear him out. I shook my head, as if in answer. “Please,” he begged again.
I glared at the man and wondered what kind of cruel fate it was to have to face him like this in front of everyone. Then again, the entire club already knew what happened and that he’d been cheating on me. I glanced over at Trench, the man I’d seen stand up in the room just before I fled that day.
There was no hiding the disgust on my face as I looked his way. He bowed his head in what looked like shame. That wasn’t good enough, though. If I was around the club ever again, working for Kip, he was one member that I would not allow to speak to me. The disrespect he showed by participating in that scene was gross.
My eyes darted back to Breakneck where he was on his knees in front of me. “Please, Nova,” he whispered.
“The thing I don’t understand is that you somehow used me as the reason you needed to cheat. For some reason, you thought that I couldn’t be enough for you sexually.” I cringed as I admitted that in front of a whole clubhouse full of men. “The crazy thing was that you were never enough for me. Sex with you was awful.”
“Oh shit!” I heard someone say, though I couldn’t pinpoint who it was.
“I’m not saying that to hurt your feelings. I legitimately was left wondering why people even want to have sex. It was only ever painful or awkward with you and never fun. I thought maybe you just thought more of yourself, and the whores had been trying to build you up, so you wouldn’t have ego problems.”
I ignored the chuckles from the men who still stood around us listening to everything I had to say. I wished they weren’t there because this was a private conversation. It didn’t matter though because they were all privy to what happened in our private lives, so they might as well know the full story.
“Then I saw you that day, and I remembered the other times I’d seen you, from before we were together. When you were cheating on me with two whores, and apparently Trench was there with y’all too, I realized it was definitely a compatibility problem. You seemed to give them more attention than you ever gave me, certainly more energy than I got from you anyway. You had that woman on her knees while you rode her from behind, spanked her ass, and told her what to do to the other cum dumpster you conned into helping you out that day. All I ever got was you putting me flat on my back and rutting away until you got off.
“Go back to enjoying your whores, your club brothers, and whatever it is you all get up to together. It seems like they’re the only ones you can fuck normally. I’ll find someone who can treat me better and won’t be afraid to fuck me like they might break me. Just me though, because I’ll be good enough for them and they’ll want to be truly in it with me and not phoning in a subpar performance while dreaming of really giving there all to someone who supposedly doesn’t matter to them.”
Rustling at the back of the room caught my attention and I glanced up to see Jeremy standing there with what looked like an extremely painful grin plastered to his face.
“Nova,” he called out.
“Dad,” I yelled excitedly before I maneuvered around Breakneck who was still on his knees completely blown away by the truth bombs I’d just dropped in his lap. I made my way to where my father stood just as he started to sway on his feet. If it wasn’t for Mack and Bagger holding him up, he would have fallen over.
“Get him to my office,” Tripp called from somewhere behind me. “Pull yourself together, and don’t come back out until they’ve gone,” he ordered to someone. I knew who he was speaking to but refused to turn around and acknowledge the man any further.
I truly didn’t mean to drag Breakneck for the shitty sex I’d had with him, especially in front of everyone in his club. It was the only way he was bound to hear me though.
I followed the men who escorted my father into Tripp’s office and sat beside where they placed him on a couch. “Shit,” Jeremy hissed as they settled him in. His hand immediately flew to his ribs to protect them.
“Why did you let them do this to you?”
“There was no way I was going to give you up to them.”
“Dad,” I whimpered when he sucked in a pained breath.
“That one,” he stated as he tipped his head toward Kip, who had walked in behind his father.
“What about him?”
“He’s married to one of them. The assholes who were after you.” I gasped and turned to see angry faces staring back at us, but the anger wasn’t for us, it was for the accusation my father had just launched against Ashlynn.
“Dad I need you to explain,” I insisted.
“I saw the woman coming and going from his house. He yelled at her about not staying home to take care of their son. When she left again, I followed her. She led me straight to that son of a bitch who fathered you.”