Page 4 of Surprise Me
“Give me a few minutes, Minx. I’ll swap out with Mack on the gate, and he can take you.”
“Who in the hell is that?” I snapped at my boyfriend, and didn’t miss the way the woman in the bra smirked at my tone. The one in leather just rolled her eyes and went back inside.
Tripp turned to look at me and sighed. “They both work here.”
“What exactly do they do?” I asked as Anna laughed. I turned to see her shaking her head, probably at my naivety.
“They’re whores, you idiot. Don’t you know anything about your boyfriend’s club? They have whores hanging around all hours of the day and night to service the men.”
“What?” I screeched.
“It’s true, but you don’t have anything to worry about, babe.”
Anna made a disbelieving sound. “You’re lucky she saw them with clothes on. Some of those bitches run around inside without any clothes at all and they’ll drop, and suck cock no matter how many people are around to witness it.”
I narrowed my eyes at Anna, wondering how she knew that and why she’d never brought it up before. “Is that true?” I asked as I turned back to Tripp, hoping he would tell me it was all a lie. My cousin was jealous of our relationship. She had wanted Tripp when we both saw him our first day of freshman year. He only had eyes for me, though. Her jealousy would explain why she would make something like that up.
“I’m a prospect,” Tripp answered, as if that meant something. When he didn’t follow up, I grew impatient.
“And prospects aren’t allowed to touch any of the women, including theclub girls.” He emphasized club girls, while narrowing his eyes at my cousin.
“So, when you’re a full-patched member, those women won’t be off limits to you?” I asked.
“They’ll still be off limits to me because I’m with you.”
Anna scoffed. “Don’t lie to her. You’ll be able to touch them if you want, whether you have an old lady or not. The club doesn’t care if you’re married, in a relationship, or single. Those whores are there to be used and abused by anyone who gets a funny little twitch in his pants and decides he needs to scratch that itch.”
My eyes narrowed back on my cousin, once again wondering how in the hell she seemed to know all this when I had been clueless before today. Then I turned back toward Tripp and stared at him helplessly, because he had certainly known the inner workings of his club. He lived here and was around mostly naked, or if what Anna said was true, sometimes completely naked, club girls. Tripp had never said a word to me about them and left me in the dark instead. He’d been prospecting for almost nine months and had been living here for nearly a year before that.
“That might be true,” Tripp said to Anna, “but that doesn’t mean I don’t take my relationship seriously.”
Anna rolled her eyes at Tripp again as I stood there trying to figure out if I’d been wrong to wait on the whole pregnancy thing. Now, it felt like my plan to graduate first would put everything in jeopardy. Then again, I wasn’t sure if that plan would even matter. If there were women willing to have sex with him just because he felt horny, why would he choose me? If I was all gross and fat with a baby and leaky boobs when he had those women to come to whenever he felt like it, wouldn’t he just turn to them anyway?
“Babe?” Tripp called out to me, trying to pull me back from my dark thoughts. “Babe, listen to me, you have nothing to worry about where they’re concerned. Even if I was single, I wouldn’t be messin’ around with the club girls. There’s just something wrong about wanting to stick my dick in a woman who has fucked most of my club brothers.”
“Stick your dick in them?” I asked, flabbergasted that he spoke like that. Tripp and I made love whenever we could find the time to be together. Once, it got a little rowdy, when he asked me to get on all fours for him. There were the times he begged me to let him put his mouth on me-down there. I refused those things because they seemed dirty to me. I thought he was okay with what we had, but it never occurred to me that he might think of sex like that.
Oh my God! I didn’t even know my own boyfriend anymore.
Tripp sighed. “I’m not trying to make this worse,” he said while Anna laughed at him and gave him a very sarcastic thumb’s up. “Babe, I love you. You’re my girl. Myonlygirl. There isn’t a damn thing you need to worry about here. Now, go have fun on your trip. I can’t wait to hear about all your adventures when you get back. By then, I should be damn near a full-patched member and once that happens…”
Tripp held onto my left hand and ran his finger over where a ring would sit, if he were to ask me to marry him, instead of finishing what he was saying. He grinned when I glanced up from where his fingers circled mine. He planned on asking me to marry him as soon as he became a member of the club.
Maybe I won’t have to get pregnant after all.
My worries, the whores, and even my cousin’s doubting voice all faded away under the promise of a future with the man I loved. We would make it. We had to because I loved him too much for there to be any other possibility.
Chapter 3
“How did you manage to leave without your lunch?” I asked my brother as I looked in the mirror. My dark hair was sleek and shiny down to the middle of my back. It had to be perfect, since my brother summoned me to the clubhouse. Hopefully, Tripp would be there, and maybe, he’d finally notice me.
“Can you just bring it to the clubhouse sometime soon? They have one of the club girls cooking today and nothing she makes is edible. I’m too close to getting my patch to go out from being poisoned by a club whore.”