Page 47 of Surprise Me
“Yeah, beautiful. Got that when you started backing up before I could get in.”
She snickered at that and otherwise focused on driving us to her latest appointment. We were both pleasantly surprised when we arrived because the nurse set Kim up in a room with the ultrasound machine. They weren’t able to do one at her last appointment because the doctor was called away on an emergency.
“How are we doing today?” He asked while looking at Kim who sat nervously on the chair that turned into a bed with pedal things for her to stick her feet in.
“Are we doing the ultrasound?” She asked.
Doc smiled at her. “We are. I apologize for last time. I know you were both excited and I let you down. Hopefully, we’ll be able to see the baby’s gender today. You need to tell me now if you want that to stay a secret.
“No way,” I said at the same time Kim told him, “We want to know.” She turned to me and smiled. That was something we’d been on the same page about last time. It didn’t need to be a surprise. We had already been wondering for more than half her pregnancy. At least if we knew, we could plan some things out better. It would help us decide on a name for the kid as well, so we could stop calling the baby, “It, kid, baby,” and whatever other gender-neutral term we could come up with.
As soon as he got the gel on Kim’s belly and moved the wand a bit, like magic, it slid into the perfect spot. “Well, looks like he really wanted you to know,” Doc told us as he pointed to the screen and my son’s penis.
“Oh wow!” Kim cried out and when I looked at her she had tears in her eyes. “A boy,” she said as she turned to meet my eyes. I nodded and smiled back before turning my attention back on the screen. I held onto Kim’s hand for the rest of the visit as Doc measured the baby, checked Kim, and asked general health questions.
When the doctor finally left us alone in the room, I helped Kim wipe all the goop off her belly and then pulled her off the table and into my arms. “We’re having a boy!” I yelled excitedly as I danced her around the small space. She giggled at me and then pushed off.
“Would you have been that excited about a girl?”
“Hell yeah, because she would have looked just like you and been just as fucking awesome.” Kim blushed furiously at my compliments. Sure, it was great they made her feel good, but that hadn’t been my intent. I meant it.
I knew if we ever had a daughter, she would be her mother all over again, and some day, she was going to give some asshole like me a run for his money. That was if I didn’t shoot the prick first for not living up to my standards for how to treat my baby girl. Then again, I hadn’t lived up to them myself, but I was working on fixing that.
“Will you let me take you to lunch?”
“I’m driving, so I think you meant to say…”
I leaned in and kissed her to cut her sassy response off. When I pulled back, her eyes were wide in shock. “Sorry,” I said as I backed up a step. “Actually, I’m not sorry for kissing you, just if it startled you that I did.”
Kim chuckled and turned away from me. “I need to get dressed so I can drive us to lunch, but you’re paying, and I’m hungry, so good luck with that.”
“Happy to do it, beautiful.”
Once we were seated at Karen’s Kitchen, and our food was ordered, I asked the all-important question. “Any thoughts on names?”
“Yes,” she said shyly and from the look on her face I knew she had already chosen one that was important to her. “Do you have any?” She asked instead of sharing her idea.
“I want to hear yours.”
“You’ll think it’s stupid.”
“How about you try me before judging.”
“Fine.” Kim huffed and then sat back and looked me in the eye as she announced, “Kipling Cross Martin.”
I grinned over the fact that she wanted to give him my last name even though she was still somewhat mad at me. That meant a lot. “I get Cross and Martin, but why Kipling?”
“I told you that you’d think it was stupid.”
“Didn’t say that. I’m just curious as to why.”
“He wrote my favorite book,” she damn near whispered.
“What was that?”
She blew out a frustrated breath before bringing her eyes back up to meet my own. The flash of defiance there made me want to pull her into my lap and kiss her irritation away. “Rudyard Kipling wrote my favorite book.”
“Jungle Book?” I guessed. Her eyes flared in surprise that I knew who she was talking about, but then she shook her head and blushed so hard I could probably feel the heat in her cheeks if I touched them.