Page 24 of The Parolee
Anything could be out there.
Then I felt a hand grab me by the waist and then I was being dragged back onto a hard, rough chest.
“Shh, sister.”
My heart was pounding so hard my chest ached, and I struggled in his arms.
“You’re such a psycho,” I hissed.
“I am,” Torin said, his mouth moving over my neck, and I felt his lips touch my throat.
“I have a fiancé,” I said.
“I don’t see a ring,” my brother replied.
“Because you won’t give it back!” I cried.
“Right,” he said. “And I won’t let you be engaged either.”
“Ugh, why are you stalking me!” I hissed angrily. “You’re acting so obsessed with me.”
“I am obsessed with you, sister,” he said, his voice low and gravelly. “And you should know that better than anyone.”
I jerked out of his arms, though it didn’t do any good. He still had me firmly by the wrist. I yanked so hard that my wrist started to sting.
“Leave me alone,” I warned him, trying to back away.
He cocked his head, almost curiously at me.
“Lele Reilly, you know me,” he said sternly. “You know I won’t give up and I won’t leave here without you. So what’s wrong?”
It was such an unexpected question that I felt my defenses begin to shatter.
“You didn’t even want me to come visit you!” I snapped, and to my horror I felt like I was fighting tears.
My brother didn’t startle easily, but I saw him snap those midnight-blue eyes to me.
His dark brows drew together. “I didn’t want you to see me in jail, Laoise,” he said. “It would have been too hard for you.”
“Too hard?” I cried. “You think it wasn’t too hard already? And then you told me not to visit or write!”
“It was for your own good,” my brother said.
And I turned with my free hand and slapped Torin across the face, as hard as I could, wanting to hurt him. I wanted to drag my pain across his face with my nails and bury it in his flesh.
“Fuck you, Torin!” I said, feeling the hot tears spring to my eyes. “You don’t get to decide that for me. I fucking wanted to visit you.”
I turned away in a pointless attempt to hide my tears from him.
“I’m sorry,” he said, and his fingers tightened on my wrist.
And there was the nasty dirty truth out in the open. I was furious at Torin Reilly. Furious that he had told me not to visit him. Furious that he had thought I couldn’t handle it. Furious that I had obeyed him, like I always had.
I sprung at him again, trying to tear his face off. He captured both wrists in one hand, and I felt his other hand curve teasingly around my waist.
“I thought you weren’t mountain anymore, Lele,” he said wickedly, and I saw his eyes gleaming at me in the dark. “You sure fight like a mountain girl.”
“I am not mountain!” I hissed at him between my set jaw, kicking at his legs.