Page 34 of Until I Keep You
I knockon the door to my dad’s office at the club, my heart pounding.
Last time I was here, I saw something Idefinitelydidn’t want or need to in the form of my father kissing my ex-girlfriend. The woman I thought I loved at the time.
That was before everything went wrong. I took my anger and went straight out to the Rockaways where I ended up having my accident.
All I can think is thank god, I lived. Because there’s so much to live for now.
My dad’s gruff voice comes from the other side of the door. “Come in.”
I push open the door. “’Sup, pops?”
Dad looks up from his computer, and his heavy brow lifts. A genuine smile on his lips. “What a surprise! I didn’t know you were coming down to the club today.”
This is a bigger moment than either of us are willing to acknowledge.
The club was the original reason I left New York. “I didn’t either. Just felt compelled.”
Dad shoots up out of his chair. “Sit, sit, sit!” He begins to fuss over dragging a chair out.
I laugh, though I’m embarrassed by the fuss everyone has had to make over me for half a year. “I’m fine, I don’t mind standing. It’s good for me.”
“Did Laney say that?”
The mention of her name sends sparks through my veins. “Yeah.”
“Liar.” Dad smirks, then pats my back. “Sit. Can I get you something to drink?”
My father has changed so much in the past few years. Or, if I’m honest, since Sonia and he found each other. He’s softened. Learned what’s important. That our relationship isn’t one to be trifled with.
“Some water is good.” I take a seat in the leather chair, propping my crutches up against the desk. I use these just to humor Laney at this point, although sometimes, on my weaker days, it is nice to have the support.
I know the fact that I use these makes Laney happy. And I’ll do anything to keep her happy.
Dad goes to the sideboard and begins to pour me cool water from a white pitcher. “So, to what do I owe the pleasure?”
“Can’t a son come say hi to his father?”
He hands me the clear glass and smirks. “I find that hard to believe, considering how you hate this place.”
I try not to grimace.
The Lyons Club was the reason I left New York in the first place. It’s been in our family for generations, first born son after first born son taking the helm for centuries. As the first born of Edwin Lyons, that is my birthright.
And, to my father, at least three years ago, a requirement for being in his good graces.
We don’t speak of the way he disowned me anymore, least of all now that I live with him, and he’s poured his true heart, soul, and bank account into getting me better. But it still smarts, knowing that at one point, this place was more important than me.
I shake my head. “I don’t hate it.” How could I? I spent years of my life running around these halls, sneaking through the corridors.
Of course, I wasn’t allowed in the Lyon’s Pride, the nightclub, until I was twenty-one, but the members-only basement was my playground, along with Jack, and Mason.
Well, not thewholebasement. The Underground was even more off-limits than the nightclub and we got in big trouble the one time my father found us down there all handcuffed to each other, laughing our asses off.
“Well, it still means a lot to see you here.” My dad settles into his chair. “Is everything alright?”