Page 40 of Until I Keep You
I grip my fists at my side. “You know what I mean.”
“Why shouldn’t I run and jump if Icanrun and jump?” He raises his brows, a petulant student in a lecture hall.
But the truth is… because he shouldn’t be able to.
Given everything he’s shown me, I find it hard to believe his strength. His ability. All of this lends further evidence to the idea that Nate has far exceeded the timeline of his recovery without me knowing.
And why would he do that? Other than to keep me around?
The thought warms my chest.
I wish it wouldn’t.
No. Fuck that. I’m tired of wishing I didn’t feel this way for him. Ido.
I like Nate. Like him so much. Like him enough to agree to two weeks in the wilderness with him, just us. Not just as his caregiver, but his friend and maybe something even more.
Screw the money. I’m here for him.
Oh god. I’m here for him.
“Come on in, Laney! The water’s nice.”
“It’s freezing.” It’s only April. The spring sunshine hasn’t yet gotten the chance to warm the depths of the water.
Nate shrugs. His ease in the water is staggering.
I shouldn’t be surprised given his history as a surfer. “You’ll get used to it.”
We stare at each other. Me on the dock, him treading water.
The waterisfreezing, yes. But I’m not going to hop in with my clothes on. I’d have to…take off my clothes in order to hop in with him.
That thought is terrifying. And not in a bad way.
“Please, Laney? For me?” His lower lip curls down.
I roll my eyes. “Ugh. Fine.” I touch the hem of my shirt and then freeze. “You can’t watch me take my clothes off, though.”
Nate turns around with ease. “No problem.”
I do a quick look around the area.
There are houses across the lake, but they’re hundreds of feet away. No one can see us out here, at least not in detail.
Once I’m settled, I finally pull off my shirt,then kick off my shoes and let my jeans fall to my ankles. I can’t help but wonder what Nate’s expression would be if he saw me undressing.
Curiosity, certainly. Disgust? God, I hope not.
Awe, maybe? Best case scenario, he’d see me as some sort of goddess.
Wishful thinking, Laney.
Once I’m down to my underwear, my skin feels the full chill of the April air.
I go to the edge of the dock, swing my arms to propel me into the water, but my feet don’t lift from the dock. I don’t know how deep the water is. “What if there’s a shark?”
I can’t believe I said that out loud.