Page 42 of Until I Keep You
She’s going to be so embarrassed when she realizes she fell asleep. We were just talking and watching something on the television, and the next thing I knew, she was passed out.
She deserves it. She’s been working so hard and worrying overtime about me since this whole thing began.
Just being here at the cabin has been enough to help me unwind.
However, Laney can’t seem to relax. She wants to keep the same schedule for me that we’ve kept at home. Which just doesn’t work anymore seeing as I can literally run, jump, and spin around.
Laney’s adamant, though. According to her, people don’t stop taking antibiotics just because they don’t feel the symptoms.
I have to respect her for that. She knows her stuff.
Moreover, though, I’ll do whatever Laney wants me to do. I’m totally whipped, hoping that if she sees how willing I am to please her, this wall between us will come tumbling down.
Her phone buzzes on the coffee table and begins to ring with an alarm.
I shoot up from my spot and turn it off immediately. I’m sure that’s something to do with my treatment, but I’m not going to let the alarm awaken her from the rest she clearly needs.
I yawn. I could use a nap too, although I’ve spent so much time in bed since my accident that I’m not going to allow myself. Time for a cup of coffee.
I pad into the kitchen.
It’s nice enough, serviceable, but nothing like what we have at home.
The cabin has remained one of the only things we own as a family that isn’t overdone with luxury. In a way, that adds to the respite. A break from everything we know back in New York. Sure, it’s nice to have our state-of-the-art gizmos and gadgets, but we don’tneedit.
Out here, all we need is ourselves. Each other. The quiet.
A break.
I scoop enough coffee grounds into the filter for a large pot of coffee in case Laney wants some once her spell has broken.
The bitter coffee smell permeates my nostrils.
So delicious.
When I was little, I took a spoon and dipped it into a bag of coffee, thinking the grounds would taste amazing.
They did not.Obviously.
But the smell, gosh, the smell.
I take the pot and go to the sink to fill it up with water.
My legs tingle and start to weaken, almost like my muscles have been slackened by some sort of drug, and I trip forward, the pot flying out of my hand and crashing to the ground, shattering into a million pieces.
I’m able to grab onto the counter and sink to my knees slowly.
The strength is gone, all of it. Just tingling in my thighs and toes. “Shit.”
I interrupted her nap. And she’s going to be so pissed at me…
Laney emerges through the doorway and gasps. “What happened?!”