Page 44 of Until I Keep You
Her head jerks up, eyes meeting mine.
It came out harsher than I wanted it too. Strained through clenched teeth. But I can’t help it.
It all hurts so much. Not my muscles, not my nerves, but my pride.
I want to be the best man I can be. The one I wasn’t for Sonia. I want to be that for Laney. And I can’t be any of thatwhen my legs are weak, and she’s having to scrape me up off the ground like I’m a piece of gum.
I haven’t said anything, but Laney is still staring at me. Her eyes plead with me to say something, make clear anything.
When I don’t, she breaks the silence. “Nate, what’s wrong?”
“I want–” My throat tightens, and tears are stinging the backs of my eyes, a nauseating feeling.
I lock my jaw, unwilling to let my emotions get the best of me. “I want to begoodfor you.”
No more subtext. No more hiding behind the truth.
It’s all out there. And I can’t reel it back in like a hook on a line.
Laney’s expression is unreadable.
“I’m sorry if that’s weird.” My voice retreats to a mere whisper. “But it’s the truth. And I’m tired of hiding it, of lying to–”
I don’t have a chance to finish my sentence before Laney’s lips are on mine.
Her mouth feels better than I could have dreamed, pressed up against mine with an overt intensity that tells me maybe I haven’t been alone in this.
Hell, she’s kissingme, IknowI’m not alone in this.
Her hand cups my cheek.
I whimper.
Her lips, her touch, it’s all too much and not enough at once.
I test the waters, sliding the tip of my tongue into her mouth.
Her lips give, allowing me in, and I lap up the subtle taste of her, deepening the kiss more.
Laney leans closer, her chest brushing mine.
I crave to pull her in and not let her go but I want to take this slow.
For now, this is enough. The last thing I need is to scare her off by being too intense too fast.
There’s a reason it’s taken all these months to build our connection and push the boundaries.
We’re both afraid.
However, right now, all my fear has dissipated, and all that exists is Laney.
Laney’s hair around my fingers, her neck in my palm, her body settled in my lap.
Her mouth vibrates against mine, a slight moan that goes right to my dick.
She can probably feel me poking at her.