Page 70 of Until I Keep You
But if I want to come out on the other side of this with my best friendandthe girl? I need to leave some things to fate or lady luck or whoever the fuck.
The screen door slides open, and Laney pops her head out. “What’s taking so long? I’m starving.”
Neither Mason nor I speak, still basking in the glow of our deal.
Laney’s eyebrows quirk. “Hello?”
“We’re…yes, we’re…” I grab the plate with the non-burnt shrimp skewers and thrust it at Mason’s chest. “T-minus two minutes.”
She looks at us as if she can’t quite understand what’s going on but knows something is not quite right. And she’d be right, considering everything that just happened out here. But we remain smiling and silent, and she disappears back inside.
Laney placesher napkin down on the table, her plate polished clean. “I want to go into town tomorrow, if that’s alright with you guys.”
I look at her. “By yourself?” The town of Pollard is a quiet, sleepy place. I’m not worried for her safety. Just concerned she might want to run away.
Laney shrugs. “I mean, I’m not expecting you guys to want to go window shopping.”
Mason shrugs. “I wouldn’t mind that.”
I’m about to say, “Me neither,” when an idea dawns on me.
If Laney’s going to choose me, I want her toreallychoose me. Which means not protecting her from Mason, cordoning her off like a baby from the stairs. “I should probably rest.”
Laney’s expression softens with a smile. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say that.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Mason pushing his food around his plate, no doubt aware of the way her voice seemed to embrace me.
“Yeah, well, now that I’m walking, I don’t want to push it. Especially after my little incident the other day.”
Mason’s gaze flies to me. “Incident?”
I shake my hand at him. “Don’t worry about it. I’m all good now, just need some rest.”
The room is quiet.
Laney and Mason look at me.
I smile at them. “You two should go.”
Laney does a double take. “Um. Are you sure?”
Mason’s eyes catch mine, a world of emotions running through them. “Yeah, man, are you sure?”
I take a breath and nod. “Yes, it will be nice to have the place to myself for a bit anyway. Getthis oneout of my hair.” I point my chin toward Laney.
She scrunches her nose. “Hey!”
God, she’s so cute. “Kidding, kidding. You know I love having you around.” I regret saying it as soon as it comes out. Feels like I’m rubbing salt in Mason’s wound. I didn’t mean to, though.
Mason ignores it, lifting his chin with pride. “You up for that, Laney?”
Laney smiles at him. The same way she smiles at me. Not the private smiles when we’re in bed together. But a smile that would lead to a moment like that.
What have I gotten myself into?
“If you’re up for it, then yeah, I’m down.”
“Then it’s settled,” I say before I can change my mind. “Mason and Laney take Pollard.”