Page 80 of Until I Keep You
Mason pops out first with his dinner of leftovers in one hand, wearing his ratty NYU sweatshirt from undergrad. “Hey, man, how are you feeling?”
“Good. It’s a nice night.”
Mason sits across the fire from me. “It is.”
We get to talking as he eats as if everything is normal. Except it’s impossible not to acknowledge something has shifted in the indelible fabric of what’s between us.
It’s better. Lighter. Because we’ve shared something.
We’ve shared Laney.
“I took afatnap today,” Mason says.
“Yeah? Is that why you didn’t come out of your cave?”
His eyes flick up, fire reflected in his green irises. “Yeah.That’swhy.”
I snicker. Laughat his tongue-in-cheek reply.
“Hey guys.”
Mason and I almost leap out of our seats at the sound of Laney’s voice.
She’s a vision in sweats and a tank under a long cardigan. Her nipples prick out under her shirt, but she is quick to conceal her breasts under her crossed arms when she feels the nighttime chill. “Can I come join you?”
Mason speaks first. “Of course.”
She regards us both with a smile. No matter which seat she takes, she’s technically between us in the circle,finishing off the triangle we’ve all felt since…well, since she became my physical therapist.
And for the first time, the tension of jealousy has been alleviated and given way to a different sort of tension. A delicious, arousing kind.
Fuck, this is so weird. So wrong.
I should be embarrassed or apologetic. Instead, I’m wondering if we can ever do that again. Watch Laney come to life like that again.
“Did you boys have a good day?”
Mason and I exchange a look.
I can’t help it. I laugh.
Mason’s face grows taut, attempting not to laugh too. But it sneaks out of his mouth.
We’re both laughing. And I meanlaughing.Deep belly laughs that ache at the ludicrousness of our situation.
When I’ve flicked the tears out of my eyes, I look at Laney.
She’s red and not just because of the warm firelight.
“I’m sorry.” Mason guffaws. “I’m sorry, this is just–”
I look at them both in turn. “It’s weird!”
He smiles. “It’s funny.”
Laney sniffs. “I don’t think it’s weirdorfunny.”