Page 97 of Until I Keep You
So, I turn my mind to baser things. Like Laney’s ass as she climbs, the way her muscles tighten in her little gym shorts. The swinging of her long, blonde ponytail. How the sun melts across her skin as if it only shines for her.
My princess. For whom I’d do most anything.
Including share her.
But only with Mason, who has proven himself to be someone worthy.
“I think I can see the top!” Laney announces, jumping up in place and kicking up a little bit of dust with her not-so-white-anymore sneakers.
That puts a spring in my step. I follow behind her at asteady clip, Mason at my heels in case I somehow lose my strength.
Nothing could stop me right now, though.
Laney disappears through the branches, leaves brushing through her hair.
I break out into a run, so afraid that if she disappears into the garden, I’ll never find her again. There is desperation coursing through me, the need to have her near me at all times.
I emerge from the branches to find Laney standing calmly in a meadow of wildflowers and tall grass, her back to me as she takes in the expansive view.
I stop to take her in.
She is my best view.
Mason joins me. And we watch her together.
She looks around, seeming to take it all in. “Wow…” she breathes. “It’s even better than it was down there.”
With a smile in my direction, Mason drops the pack he’s been carrying from his shoulders, the one carrying water, snacks, and a blanket so we can sit and enjoy the scenery for a while, bask in the glow of our vacation.
“You feeling alright, man?” He nods.
“Yeah, better than alright.” My eyes don’t leave Laney.
Mason glances back at Laney too. “Can’t argue with that.”
I’m not sure how long we stand there. Taking her in, drinking up her beauty. But it all feels right. From the cool breeze to the distant sounds of birds and water lapping at the shore, this moment is perfection.
I’ve always imagined moments with the woman I’m falling for as belonging to just her and me. No one else.
But Mason is not out of place in this story. In fact, it would feel empty without him.
I don’t understand it. I don’t think I want to.
Laney creeps to the edge of the hill where a steep drop-off leads to the water’s edge. She peers over the side, then steps back with a gleeful giggle. “We’re so high up.”
We don’t reply.
My breath tightens in my chest. Something is shifting in me. Not just contentment runs through my veins.
But want. Want for Laney. Here. Now.
I go to the bag and pull out the blanket. I cross to a patch of flat land amidst the wildflowers and meadow grace, then unfurl the blanket. The red and white gingham floats on the wind until it lands on the ground.
Mason doesn’t question my actions, but I can tell he wants to.
I straighten out the corners, then cross toward Laney.
She senses me approaching and flips around, a beaming smile on her face. “It’s beautiful, Nate.”