Page 140 of Pirate Girls
I know. It won’t stop me from wanting to be near her, though.
She looks down, and I don’t like the look on her face.
Something’s going on with her today. What happened? Why hasn’t she sought me out?
“It’s time for me to go home,” she says calmly.
The Falls?
What does that mean?
She says it with finality, like she’s done and found whatever she was looking forormade her peace with not finding it, and she’s ready for this to be over.
What happened?
But I don’t have a chance to ask her. Kade’s black truck skids to a halt next to us, and I spin around in time to see Dirk and Stoli rush out, grab Dylan, and haul her into the back seat.
“We’re taking her back!” Stoli shouts, slamming the door and hanging out the window, laughing.
There are two other guys in the truck, but I don’t know if any of them are Kade.
They speed off, and I watch.
But not for long.
Reaching into my pocket for the only thing I have, I clutch my phone, rear back my hand, and launch it like a fucking football right into the driver’s sideview mirror. It shatters the glass, he slams on the brakes, and I dig in my heels, charging up to the goddamn truck and yanking the back door open.
“You prick!” Dirk bellows, jumping out.
But my eyes are only on Dylan as she sits in the back, wide-eyed. I grab her legs and pull her to me, lifting her into my arms.
Dirk clutches my shoulder, but just then, Farrow and the boys pull up.
I walk away from all of it.
“So nice of you to make this easy,” Farrow taunts them, and a fight ensues behind me.
But I just keep going. All I see is her.
I guide her legs around my waist, holding her tightly.
“He had you all to himself for a year,” I tell her, looking up into her storm blue eyes. “You’re mine for another week.”
I pull the handcuffs out of my drawer, slam it shut, and lean over my bed, throwing her down onto it. I catch the backof her head before it hits anything and then grip her wrist, fitting a cuff around it.
I don’t know what happened now, or where her mood is coming from, but I’m keeping her.
“Hunter!” she yells, pulling against the restraint.
I loop the small chain around a bar in my headboard, snatching up her other wrist and clicking the second cuff on it.
She growls, tugging at the bindings. “A few days ago, you were telling me to leave,” she spits out.
And you should’ve listened. You’re not crossing that bridge tonight.