Page 143 of Pirate Girls
Hunter leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.
I clutch the vibrator beneath my head, under the pillow, feeling tears spring to my eyes. I let the toy go and roll over, burying my sobs in one of his pillows.
I want to be his. We weren’t just playing around. It wasn’t like that for me. I don’t want anyone else to touch me.
I felt his eyes on me the moment I walked into the Revel tonight.You look pretty.
My skin was on fire. Simple words, something he would’ve said when we were kids with his big eyes and kind voice.
I feel every word like I feel every touch. I feel every look like I feel his mouth.
I don’t want to be the little girl he grew up with. I want him to touch me and take me somewhere quiet and kiss me and …
I shake with my tears.
Did I misread everything? Again?
The way he gripped my hair in my bathroom. His breath in my ear. His eyes and how it feels like he’s fighting himself to not look at me all the time.
The way he asked if he could do what he did to me on the sink counter the other night.
I imagined everything I thought he was feeling. I wanted to hear the desire or desperation or some shit in his voice, so I did. I imagined he was mine.
I inhale, realizing he was on these sheets with someone else last night, and start to pull back.
They smell good, though. Freshly washed. Was he trying to hide what he did?
A door downstairs whips shut again and again, and in a minute, I hear laughter and music pump through the house. Footfalls grow closer, ascending the stairs, and then another door, perhaps across the hall, closes.
Farrow and his friends are back. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I start to dial Kade to make sure he’s okay. I don’t care who won the fight after Hunter grabbed me out of his truck, but I want to make sure he’s safe.
But I just check Snapchat instead, seeing a picture of his hand posted ten minutes ago with the dashboard of his truck in the background. His knuckles are skinned.
I shake my head. He’s fine. Letting the whole world know he got into a fight, which is just so cool.
I need to get out of here, and I don’t want Hunter to see. I’m going to bed, and tomorrow, I’m training.
Before I can stand, though, my phone rings. I see Quinn’s name on the screen.
I answer, pausing a moment before I hold it to my ear. “Hey,” I say, trying to make my voice sound normal. “What are you up to?”
“You looked so good in that jacket,”she sing-songs.
How did…
I sigh, wiping away my tears. Someone must’ve posted a pic of me. I look down, trying to pull the jacket over my stomach.
“It’s tight.”
“It’s perfect, I’d say.”
I can’t help but laugh a little, her voice easing the pain.
I rise from the bed, almost grabbing my vibrator, but I don’t want to risk the whole damn school downstairs seeing it. I’ll have to come back for it another time. “What are you doing tonight?” I ask her.
“Hanging with my parents.” I hear her chew something. “I spent the day at the bakery. Taking some inventory, making some treats to leave my mom.”