Page 193 of Pirate Girls
I’m glad I came.
And I’m glad I’ll leave something here when I go—just as Farrow said I would.
Maybe someday Hunter and I will come together again. When the bad blood with Kade is gone and everything’s okay.
I just hope he’s the same.
“Dylan…” I hear my name in a low hum somewhere in the house.
I freeze as the door slams downstairs and footfalls hit the steps.
I rise up, staring at the light under the door.
“Dylan…” a deep voice drones on.
I look up to my ceiling, thinking about the weird dude in the attic from those notes.
But the sounds aren’t coming from there.
I shoot my gaze to the door again, seeing a shadow fall over the light.
“Shhh,” someone hisses outside.
“You shhh,” the other one says.
I clench the blanket, looking around for a pencil or something to stab with. Who the hell is in my house?
Then, all of a sudden, my door swings open, and I scream.
“Shhh, Dylan.” Kade swats the air, his brother and him hanging onto each other. “Shhh…shhh… You’re going to wake me up!” he whisper-yells.
They stumble into the room, Hunter bare chested anddressed in jeans, and Kade in the same jeans and T-shirt he wore earlier. I smell the beer from here.
They lumber across the room, both of them toppling onto my bed.
I growl, kicking at both of them. They’re wasted.
“What are you guys doing?” I yell.
They crawl up by me, one on each side. “We’re just gonna sleep,” Hunter says.
“Not in here,” I cry.
Kade lays in the spot where I was trying to rest, Hunter pulling me on top of him to save room.
Kade lays an arm over my back. “Dylan, we love you so much.”
I shove his hand away. “You’re all wet.” I try to push off Hunter. “Both of you are soaking wet!”
The water from Hunter’s jeans drips to my legs.
“They brought out the hoses downstairs,” Hunter mumbles, already drifting.
I pry myself out of his hold, and push myself up. “Go sleep downstairs,” I yell at both of them.
Kade pulls off his shirt.
I look between the two of them. “I’m going to push you both on the floor.”