Page 46 of Caught Looking
He kisses the top of my head. “I already told you. I’m not going anywhere.”
We say nothing as we watch the sun dip lower into the ocean. The waves crash against the rocks. The salty air fills my lungs. Sitting with him reminds me of when we were in Bellow Bay, when everything was new and exciting. But the thing is, being with him is still as exciting. And I hate that what we feel for each other is a secret. I want to shout that Dalton and I belong together from the highest rooftop. But that’s still too risky.
“You were right,” I say.
“I usually am.” That earns him a pinch in the side. He chuckles. “Okay, okay. About what?”
“Our timingisoff.”
He backs away just far enough for those dark brown eyes to peer into mine. Without a doubt, he knows what I mean.
“No, Choir Girl, I was wrong. There’s no such thing as bad timing when it comes to you.”
“Listen to me. I don’t know what I did to have you in my life, but it must’ve been something spectacular. Because I must admit, I don’t deserve someone like you. I certainly never expected it. But I was drawn to you the moment I saw you. And you are so much more than what yourboyfriendor even your dad makes you out to be.”
My heart beats like a caged wild animal. Dalton has always gotten me. He sees me. Every other male in my life wants to control and suppress me. They don’t care what I want or see my potential if I do their bidding and toe the line. I’ve been drilled on Paul’s letter to the Ephesians about wives submitting to their husbands as to the Lord, and the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church. Deprogramming myself will take time, but it’s a lot easier with Dalton by my side.
His arm still draped around me tightens its hold for a moment before tracing its way along my side. My body catches like it’s on fire. Desire, lust, and full-on need stake a claim, and I can’t think a coherent thought. At least that’s my excuse when I blurt, “Bobby and I never had sex.”
Dalton’s body stills. I watch the slide of his Adam’s apple. Those dark hues meet my blues. Surprise mixed with disbelief coats his expression, but there’s an underlying current of something else. Horror maybe. Or regret.
“That doesn’t matter. I mean, it’s none of my business.”
“I know, but I thought . . . I don’t know what I thought, but we’ve barely kissed.”
“How? You were exclusive, right?” He shakes his head as if that would give him some clarity.
“Sex should be between two joined in union under God’s eye.”
“I can see not having intercourse, I guess, but kissing? How could he resist your lips? They’re delectable.”
How indeed.
“So you’ve only . . .”
“Had sex the one time with you.” I fill in when his voice trails off.
His eyes darken, but they’re overshadowed with regret. “I’m not so innocent, but Iamsorry I gave up on us.”
Sorrow laces the edges of his tone. I can’t fault him for being with others. I just hate that it couldn’t have been us this entire time. “That doesn’t matter. Remember, we were supposed to live.”
He nods as eyes full of intensity stare down at me. After a beat, he says, “I remember not liking that phrase when you said it all those years ago.”
“It’s in the past. What does matter is we’re here now.”
His move is lightning fast, and I find myself lying against the earth with Dalton hovering over me. “You know what else I’m not?”
I smile. “What?”
“A saint.”
Thank the heavens.But then his lips crash upon mine, and my thoughts are anything but heavenly. They’re pure sin.
And I’m down for every forbidden taste.
Chapter Twenty-Four