Page 48 of Caught Looking
When she comes down from her high, her face is flushed as those gorgeous eyes stare down at me. I lick my fingers and moan. “Sweet. Just as I remember.”
Her hand reaches up and covers her face. “Oh, God.”
“Nuh-uh. No hiding or getting embarrassed. That was long overdue.”
She peeks through her fingers at me. “It’s hard.”
“That it is.”
“Oh. Oh! I can take care of that.” She goes to move, but I stop her.
“No, today was all for you. I couldn’t have you going around with lust in your eyes.”
She smacks my arm. “You’re such a jerk sometimes.” But then she gives me a soft smile. “Thanks. I really missed you. The worst mistake I made was deleting your number from Nicole’s phone.”
“I missed you too. But your crazy fate theory worked. I found my way back to you.”
Her smile grows wider. “That you did.”
I replace her underwear, and she snuggles up against me. We spend the rest of our time talking. She catches me up on her college, and I tell her about my teammates and friends. We keep this up until the sun dips and bursts into fiery golds and reds on the horizon. Vibrant hues of amber clouds streak across the yellow canvas in a blazing display of fire and heat. The picture is surreal. Or maybe it’s just being with her again.
“You were right,” I say. “West Coast sunsets are magnificent.”
She sighs and leans her head on my shoulder. “I don’t want to return home.”
“Neither do I.”
But I know what needs to be done. I snuck around with her the last time. I don’t want a repeat. This time around, I want to show her off and tell the entire world she’s mine. That starts by being honest with her dad. He still doesn’t trust me, and I have an uphill battle to gain his respect, but I have to try at least.
Chapter Twenty-Five
“Tellme why you talked me into staying?” Carter asks. We’re standing in the back of the church annex as people mill around the room, chatting with each other. Tables lined up in rows like in a cafeteria. A big, gold-lettered welcome home banner hangs above the food serving table. Church let out about fifteen minutes ago. Carter could’ve split along with the other teammates. I had no choice but to attend.
“You love me,” I deadpan. I try to act like I don’t care, but truthfully, I’m grateful. I don’t want to be here—especially when the only person I care about is currently off-limits—but Cassie has asked me. And speaking of my girl, Cassie emerges from the hallway carrying a deli tray. I try not to keep staring, but I can’t help it. She keeps walking back and forth from what I presume is the kitchen. It’s as if she single-handedly runs the show. Anger starts to take hold because what the fuck? Why does she bear all the responsibilities? But the moment her gaze raises to meet mine, all reasons to be mad are forgotten and replaced by flashes of memories from the other night. Of how sexy she looked when she came on my mouth. The way she moaned my name. My body stirs to life, recalling every detail, wanting an encore. A blush coats her cheeks as if she could read my mind. She dips her head and adjusts the tray before pivoting and rushing back toward the kitchen.
“Never mind. I know exactly why I’m here. To keep you from making a colossal mistake.”
My gaze pulls from Cassie’s retreating backside and lands on Carter. “I’m going to talk to her dad after this party.”
“And tell him what?”
“That I respect his daughter. That I care a lot for her.”
“As in asking permission to date her?” Disbelief oozes through each syllable, and I can’t say I blame him. Coach hasn’t hidden his daughter away all these years to have another tattooed bad boy fixate on his pride and joy.Fuck.What am I thinking?
“Something like that,” I say, but I’m not too convincing.
“That’s not a good idea. He’ll never approve.”
“I have to try.” And I should confess how we met three years ago. Come all the way clean.
“He’ll send you packing.”
I wince. Carter’s more than likely right, but if I don’t confess now, it’ll only be worse later. “I don’t have a choice. I can’t hide these feelings I have for Cassie for much longer.”
Carter studies me for a moment. “You think she’s worth it?”