Page 63 of Caught Looking
Making me think dirty thoughts while in church.Well, while on church grounds, but all the same. The air around us ignites. The noise level drops to a low hum. A streak of red flashes down the hall, but I ignore it. No one else matters right now. “I have a feeling you already know the answer to that question.”
“What ifwe went and found an empty room?”
Tempting. So darn tempting.
“Then I’d be scandalized if caught.”
“I’m willing to take that chance if it means stealing time with you.” His gaze drops to my lips, and I swear my undies are soaked all the way through. What this man does to me. It’s positively sinful.
I’m about to cave and take him up on his offer when a female voice shouts, “Dalton Boyd.”
Dalton steps back as if caught stealing signs from the opposing team. Our heads snap to a tall blonde whose arms are tossed in the air as she runs toward Dalton.
Dalton steps toward her. She practically leaps into his arms, and he swings her around. This must be Shannon, the college friend he told me about. When he mentioned their friendship, he failed to mention how close they were. An uncomfortable pressure swells in my chest. It’s as if I’m jealous. Which makes no sense. I don’t have any right to be, nor do I have a reason. He told me they were friends. It’s just, I didn’t expect her to be so tall and pretty.
I’ve been living each moment as they come and haven’t looked past this summer. But it won’t be long until Dalton will leave. He’ll be back at college, surrounded by girls. Lots of girls who’ll come in all shapes and sizes, including tall, pretty girls like her. My stomach lurches. Suddenly our future seems very bleak.
After a quick exchange ofhellosandhow are yous, they break apart. Dalton seems to remember me standing there.
“Cassie, I want you to meet Shannon Smith. Shannon, this is Cassie Greenburg.”
“It’s so nice to meet you finally.” The girl pulls me in for a hug, and my saucer-sized eyes shoot toward Dalton. He smirks and shrugs unapologetically. “I feel as if I know you already. Dalton talks nonstop about you.”
“Oh,” I manage to say. I really don’t know how to respond.He talks about me?
“It’s not that often.” Dalton looks around. “And you may want to keep your voice down.”
“Sorry. I got carried away. I’m just so excited to meet you and to see this thug.” She turns and smacks Dalton on the arm. “I just wish you were playing.”
“You’re not playing?”
Dalton gives a hard glare to Shannon before turning back to me. “I’ll explain later. Come here, Shannon. I need to show you something.” He whisks her away before I can ask why he isn’t playing and why he hasn’t told me. He’s never kept secrets from me. At least, I don’t think he has.
“Can’t you see what being with him brings?”
I whip around to the voice and come face-to-face with Bobby. “Where’d you come from?”And what did you hear?
“I wasn’t going to miss your big day.”
Then why did you show up toward the end?I clamp my jaw closed tight to keep from vocalizing my thoughts. He actually has the audacity to look offended.
I ignore him and glance behind me. Dalton has stopped to show Shannon the chaise lounge. It sold, but the couple who purchased it didn’t have a truck. They’re coming back on Monday to pick it up. Shannon laughs at whatever Dalton says. I have to admit, they look comfortable with each other. It’s obvious they know each other well. To an outsider, they seem like a couple. They certainly look good together.
“Don’t you get it? People like him don’t have the same values as us: family, faith, core values. They will always choose themselves over anyone—even God.”
“Quit trying to pretend to know him. You know nothing about him,” I huff and move to the next table to condense the piles. Where’s Nicole with those boxes?
“I know his type. You’d do yourself a favor by realizing the truth before you’re left tainted.”
“Tainted?” I repeat. “What does that even mean?”
“You’re a good girl, Cassie. Act like it.” Bobby shoves past me and heads back down the hall.
I scowl at his retreating red shirt. Maybe I should warn Dalton that he overheard us. I turn to walk over toward him, but he’s already gone without so much as a goodbye.
I chew on this fact. Am I trading one dependency for another? Will Dalton choose himself over me? Will he leave me? Is he even the type that could settle down?
Gah,I’m letting Bobby’s words and my insecurities grab hold. Dalton isn’t completely selfish. And the part that is he can’t help. Who wouldn’t be given his circumstances? He has good inside him. I know it. He’s just caught up with a familiar friend. I can’t fault him for that.