Page 66 of Caught Looking
“Shannon is really nice.”The baseball game ended, and we’re leaving the pizza joint after saying goodbye to his friend. It’s been a successful day. The rummage sale raised about three grand more than our goal, and to top off the day, the Crushers won. The only downside was watching Dalton sit on the bench for most of the game. I met Shannon in the stands, and we had a heartfelt talk. I can see why Dalton likes her, and it’s obvious how much in love she is with her boyfriend. I was stupid to let Bobby instill doubt. It’s like Nicole said, he doesn’t have my best interest at heart, only his.
“She really liked you.” He nudges his hand against my leg and rests it there.
“Yeah? She surprised me at first. I didn’t realize she knew who I was.”
His eyes avert mine as he glances out the passenger window. “I, uh, may have mentioned you to her a time or two.”
Oh my goodness. I’m not sure what I like more, the fact he mentioned me to her or the way his dimple just popped. Hands down, he has the cutest boyish grin. I love bringing out this softer side from an often brooding man.
“She talked about her brother and boyfriend quite a lot. It’s cool they’re both playing in the minors.”
“Yeah, Braxton and Noah were my roommates. That’s how I got to know her. Noah grew up next door to them. The three have been connected forever.” His hand fans out across my thigh. I try not to melt under his touch, but it’s too hard to ignore what he does to my body.
“That’s sweet. It seems they’re pretty serious.”
“Oh, yeah. Shannon’s a year younger than us, so she still has two years left at Cessna U. I bet as soon as she graduates, he’ll put a ring on it. Maybe before.”
“I’m sure Braxton is thrilled.” I mean that in a good way but Dalton’s low deep chuckle suggests Braxton may not be.
“He is now, but it hasn’t always been that way.”
“What do you mean?”
“Noah wasn’t a guy Braxton deemed good enough for his sister.”
“What?” My eyes widen as I turn left onto our street. “But she makes him sound so perfect.”
“He is, but Braxton had a front row seat to Noah’s hookups. He never took any girl seriously, except when it came to Shannon. He had a weak spot when it came to her. That was obvious the first day I saw them together. How Braxton didn’t see it, I’ll never know.”
“So Noah never acted on it?”
“No. He stayed away mainly because of Braxton. He had other reasons too, but he didn’t want to ruin his friendship with his best friend, which is stupid.”
“What do you mean? I’m sure Braxton was like a brother to him. Shouldn’t he put family first?” Our house comes into view, and Dalton slips his hand away. I miss the warmth of his touch.
“Not when it comes to getting what you want. Family lets you down at some point.”
Hmm.I concentrate on pulling into the driveway. Bobby’s words replay in my head.“People like him don’t have the same values as us. They will always choose themselves over anyone.”I thought those words were plain bullshit, but hearing Dalton confirm what Bobby said doesn’t settle well. I open my mouth to ask what he means but stop when I notice Dad in the front yard examining the roses. He hasn’t paid attention to Mom’s rose garden since I’ve been back.
“How was the pizza?” Dad’s voice beams.
“Good as usual.” I smile back at Dad, a little perplexed by his good mood. It must be due to the win.
Dalton holds up the leftover box. “We brought you home some.”
“Thanks, if you could place it in the kitchen, I’ll be in a few minutes. I was just looking over these roses. They need a good pruning.”
My eyes dart across the front yard to the two years’ worth of overgrown shrubs, the weeds popping through the rocks, and the rose bushes housing too few blooms, probably due to the lack of pruning. A pang of sorrow pinches my chest. Landscaping was Mom’s job until she could no longer take care of things around the house like roses and gardening. I glance around the landscaping and try not to cringe. Things looked nicer when Mom took care of them. Maybe I should’ve come out here more to help.
I swallow past the lump in my throat and nod. “It’ll be waiting for you.”
“What’s the matter?” Dalton asks the moment we’re inside. He always picks up on my mood shift.
“It’s silly.” I grab the pizza box mainly to have something to do and place it on the island.
“It doesn’t seem silly if it’s upsetting to you.”