Page 79 of Caught Looking
“What do you have planned, Choir Girl?” His lips land on my neck, and I have to force myself to keep from moaning. But goodness, he feels good. I want to cherish every second we have together, especially since his lips on me are an added treat I thought was impossible.
“Once I show you the downtown area, we’re going to walk to the park I used to play in. Then I want to take you to my favorite ice cream shop. Show you the best parts of town.” Dalton’s only here for one more day, so I want to make the most of it.
“The best part of the town is right here with you.” His mouth dips farther along my neck as his fingers brush against my collarbone. He rears his head back.
“You’re wearing your cross.” Surprised accusation edges his tone. I blush.
“While I was visiting Mom’s gravesite, I realized I was wrong. God hasn’t abandoned me.”
“Yeah. He brought you to me.”
Dalton leans his forehead against mine. “I love you so much.”
His declaration holds so much meaning and feeling behind how he spoke it that I want to cherish this moment forever. We remain that way—one hand on my waist, the other framing the side of my face. That is until a throat clearing breaks our moment. Jolting apart, we turn to find Dad standing at the end of the hallway, his hands on his hips and scowl in place. Dalton casually slips his hands into his pockets. Dad’s face screams anything but happiness, but he doesn’t yell. Only grumbles. He’s a work in progress.
“You kids getting ready to leave?”
I grab Dalton’s hand. “We are. I want to show Dalton parts of the town he hasn’t seen.”
Dad adjusts his ball cap that sports the team’s logo. Just our luck, they’re leaving today for an overnight road trip. The timing couldn’t be any more perfect.
“Have fun today.” He mumbles something under his breath and takes off. I watch him leave and then turn back to Dalton.
“I’m sorry you’re not going with him.” It has to be hard on Dalton to see Dad in his coaching uniform and not be part of the team.
“Yeah.” He runs his free hand through his dark locks. “It feels . . . different. It’s definitely hard to get used to.”
“At least it’s only temporary.”
“Thank God.” But then he shoots me a devilish grin and pulls me up against him. “But I have you all to myself. Whatever shall we do?”
“What I have planned. That’s what we’re going to do.” I laugh, but the sound fades when he places his lips on mine.
Thirty minutes later, we park the car and find ourselves walking along the various storefronts on the way to the city park. We stop in front of a sports collectibles store. The longing in Dalton’s eyes as he peers through the window prompts me to ask, “Do you want to go inside?”
“Nah. I’ve seen enough in my lifetime.”
“If I remember correctly, there was a cool sports store along the main drag in Bellow Bay.”
“Bricks and Ivy.” A smile lifts his lips, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I used to go there a lot when I was little. Never had a chance to buy anything, though, but the decorations were cool. They had a bat on display that belonged to Mickey Mantle. I’m sure it prompted my love for baseball.”
“Not that I don’t think you will, but have you thought about what to do if you don’t get drafted?”
“No. I never had a backup plan.” He grimaces. “I never thought I needed one until this year. But working on your dad’s car reminded me how much I enjoy working with my hands. I can work in a garage until I own my shop. But that’s only if I don’t make it. Nothing replaces the need for playing ball.”
“It’s a good plan. You’re good at working on cars. Dad was impressed.”
We remain silent as we enter the park. Walking past the swing sets, I point to the silver slide. “That’s where I fell in love for the first time.”
He quirks an eyebrow. “Should I be jealous?”
“Hmm, maybe. Jimmy was pretty dreamy to a six-year-old me.”
“What does this Jimmy have over me?”
I laugh. “Nothing now, but he did climb to the top of the slide and declare he was going to marry me.”