Page 74 of Deke Me
“Fine.” There’s no use arguing with her. Once she makes up her mind, it’s set. I turn to Blake. “Want to go for a walk?”
We head out to the neighborhood. I wrap my coat around me tighter when the cool, crisp air hits our faces. It’s quiet when it’s usually filled with car horns and chatter.
“How old is your grandma? She seems rather young.”
I laugh. “Believe it or not, she’s sixty-six.”
“Wow, she doesn’t look it.”
“Yeah, which is surprising with all the hard work she does. I guess it’s good genetics.”
“I’d say so.” He gives me a side-eye glance I feel clear to my bones. Smiling, he asks, “You’ve never told me about your dad.”
I glance down the street and sigh. “That’s because there’s not much to tell. I don’t know a lot about him.”
“So, he never came around?”
“Nope. All I know is he was a professional athlete who knocked up my mom.”
He winces. “No wonder your grandma wasn’t impressed with me playing hockey.”
“We may be a little opinionated against athletes.”
“He never once tried to get in touch?”
“I don’t think he knows I exist. He pretty much tossed money at my mom, told her to get an abortion, and asked his team for a trade.”
“Your poor mother.” He curses. “She must’ve been one strong, determined woman.”
That causes me to smile. “She was.”
“She passed along her good traits.” He squeezes my hand and kisses the top of my head. “I can see why you’d want to come back here and live.”
“That’s what makes my decision hard.”
“What decision?”
“What to do if Memorial Hospital rejects me.”
“What do you mean?”
Here goes. The honesty I promised I’d bring. “I’ve applied to several internships. One of them was Boston General. It’s a top-tier program, which is not exactly what I was looking for, but from a financial aspect, it would be good. I was selected as an alternate, but they called and said they had a position for me.”
“In Boston? That would be great. It’d give you a reason to spend the summer with your grandma.”
“Yeah, except their program starts right away.”
His body tenses beside me. A beat passes before he speaks. “But that would mean…”
“Transferring schools, yes.” I meet his gaze. “It’s just a backup plan, but I have until the end of December to confirm. I’ll know more after I hear from Memorial.”
He draws me into a hug. “Let’s hope for the Memorial internship because I’m too damn selfish to let you go.”
Being wrapped in his arms with my face buried against his chest, there isn’t anywhere I’d rather be. And that could spell trouble.