Page 126 of Hunt Me Down
His hand fisted, and he turned away from her. “I want to know everything you’ve got on this bastard.”
Jude’s claws were gone. For now. “Then I guess you’d better get ready for a little visit to Night Watch.”
* * *
Jude took the human to the agency. Introduced him to a few of the hunters. Left him with Dee for a while so that she could brief him, one human to another. And the fury inside him built.
Erin had been hurt.The human had hurt her. He’d looked at her like she she was some kind of freak.
Jude growled.
Thatwas the prick Erin had been dating? An ass who didn’t recognize how great she was?
The cop’s hands were shaking when he finished his briefing with Dee. Yeah, she usually had that effect on men.
“Heard enough?” Jude asked from his slouch against the wall.
A jerky nod.
“Good, then it’s time to get your ass back on the road and head home to old Lillian.” He straightened, then remembered the way the cop hadn’t even been able totouchErin after he’d learned the truth. “But first…” His fingers clenched around the prick’s shirtfront, and he yanked him inside the nearest office.
“Jude! What the hell?” A startled cry from the occupant of the office.
“Beat it, Gomez.” Gomez Montiago, charmer extraordinaire.
“This ismyoffice, I’m not just gonna?—”
Jude slanted him a hard look.
The charmer jumped up from his chair. “I had to go talk with Pak anyway.”
The door slammed behind him.
Jude turned his focus back to the cop. “I ought to kick your ass.”
The human got some spunk then, because his jaw clenched and he gritted, “You can try, but I’m not as weak as you may think.”
“No?” Oh, but he was. “Are you as stupid as I think you are?”
Ben blinked and a furrow appeared between his eyes. “What?”
“She’s not less because she’s a shifter. She’s not some kind of freak or abomination ormonster.” The tiger roared inside. “She’s still the same woman you knew. Still smart, still sexy, stillErin.” He shook his head now, the rage burning his tongue and leaving an acrid taste in his mouth. “But after you knew the truth, you couldn’t even look at her the same way anymore.”
Humans.They could piss him off so easily.
Dee and Tony were the only ones who’d ever been different. Dee because well, she’d been introduced to the paranormal world at a very early age.
And Tony...he’d come across Jude mid-shift once. Tony hadn’t run or screamed. He’d just stayed and watched, gun drawn because he wasn’t totally stupid. When the shift was done, that gun hadn’t wavered.“That you, man? You still fucking understand me?”
Jude had managed a nod.
The gun hadn’t disappeared, not right away, but Tony had helped Jude ambush two killers who’d been hiding in a slum.
When a guy had seen you at your worst and he didn’t flinch, but instead stepped up to the plate and helped get the job done—yeah, you could respect a guy like that.