Page 139 of Hunt Me Down
The chest flew out of the way.
“Damn woman.”
A door.
“They must have blocked it off. Doesn’t figure, why would they?—”
“Because Jude’s down there!” Erin broke the lock and thrust the door open. A yawning black space stared back at her. The faint thud of drums reached her ears—or, hell, was that her heart? “Jude!”
“No, Erin, you’ve got to be careful,” Zane’s hushed voice.
“If somebody’s got Jude down there—” Screw careful. He needed her. And she damn well needed him. More than she’d realized.I didn’t know—didn’t understand—until I saw him die.
Erin ran into the darkness.He’d better not be dead.
Dim,sputtering candles lit the basement and revealed the massacre. A trail of broken, bloody bodies littered the floor. The moaning men had claw marks all over their flesh.
But all of the bastards weren’t moaning heaps on the floor. More of the jerks were up, and they were still fighting. Five, no six of them were on the tiger. They’d backed the beast up against the far wall, and they were punching him, stabbing him?—
Killing him.
One blade drove into his side, into the already red fur, and the tiger wrenched back with a keening cry on his lips.
Erin growled.
“Oh, no, the hell they aren’t—” Zane’s snarl behind her.
No,they weren’t. She attacked, with Zane charging at the same instant.
Erin grabbed the closest prey and spun him around.
“What the hell?” Black eyes—darker than night, colder than hell— stared down at her.Demon.They were all demons in this den. “Bitch, what do you want?”
Her claws slashed over his chest. His mouth dropped open as the blood soaked his shirt. He fell to his knees, screaming.
“I want you to get out of my way.” She shoved him to the side.Next.She lifted her claws up, ready to fight.
But Zane grabbed the next one and, when the jackass lifted his knife to slice, Zane broke his wrist. Then, smiling, Zane punched the other demon in the face. Blood squirted, there was a sickening squish, and then that demon went down, too.
A scream of pain ripped through the room. Erin’s gaze whipped up. The tiger had caught one demon beneath him. Claws and teeth took him out in seconds.
Another demon launched toward her. Bald head. Soulless eyes and skin too pale. And like the others, this guy was armed. He grinned at her, then whispered, “Come play...”
Like she had to be asked twice. Taking a breath, tasting blood, Erin raced forward. But this one was fast. In a breath’s time, he’d attacked and the blade of his knife sliced down her arm.Dammit! Fiery pain burned her skin.
The music pounded around her. Where was it coming from?
“I love to watch a woman bleed.”
Her eyes narrowed. The demon’s breath was a stale wind in her face. He towered over her, grinning and flashing yellowed teeth. Giant, oozing sores covered his face and arms. He looked like some kind of Meth head. Maybe he was.
“I’ll slice you open, carve you up!” He lunged, but, this time, she was ready. When he came at her, her claws caught him, tearing flesh and muscle and cutting to the bone. His bloodshot eyes flared wide even as a choked gasp broke from his lips.
“Or maybe I’ll slice you,” she whispered and tried really, really hard not to think about what she was doing. Not killing, no, she wasn’t killing the demons. They were still alive, just out of commission.