Page 154 of Hunt Me Down
Goose bumps rose on her arms. “Mother?”
“Run...”Her breath whispered out and her eyes closed.
“Oh, God!” From Dee. “Is she?—”
Erin grabbed her arm. “Did you check on the other driver?”
“Yeah, it’s a guy. He’s fine, just has a little cut on his forehead.”
Her fingers tightened. “Do you have your gun?” She’d seen it earlier. Dee always carried her gun.Always.
Dee brushed back her shirt, revealing the butt of her weapon.
A twig snapped.Close. Too close.
Her mother had almost killed herself? Why?
The wolf—her mother—had headed straight for that other SUV. Attacked it.To protect me.
The night was too quiet. No crickets. No croaking frogs. Just silence, smothering her.
The fingers of Dee’s right hand hesitated over the gun butt. Erin held her stare and mouthed,Get. It. Out.
A growl—from the left.
They spun around. Dee brought up her gun.
Erin expected to see a wolf lunge at them.
Instead, she saw a man.
One she knew.What the hell?
Judge Lance Harper—the freaking judge!—walked from the brush, as calm as you please. Blood trickled down the side of his face. He smiled at her, revealing his fangs, and said, “Erin, beautiful Erin, I’m going to have to punish you.”
And he lifted his claws toward her.
“Shoot him!” she screamed at Dee.
His smile vanished, and he lunged for her.
Dee fired. Once. Twice.
The deafening shots echoed in Erin’s ears.
The judge froze. He looked down at his chest, at the blood soaking his shirt, and he shook his head. “Takes more than that to stop me.”
She knew that, oh, dammit, but she knew?—
He attacked.
Dee ran forward,her gun up, but the bastard moved too fast. His claws raked down her arm, then across her chest. The gun flew from her fingers, and she screamed as his teeth caught her shoulder.
“No!”Dee didn’t understand. Harper wasn’t like other shifters.He’s like me. In human form, he was nearly as strong as a fully transformed shifter. And when he transformed?—