Page 159 of Hunt Me Down
Too strong.The beast showed no signs of weakness.
Hybrid.The rules didn’t apply to him.Or maybe they did. He could obviously heal as fast as she could.When he shifted anyway.She could heal almost that fast without a shift.
The next evolution? Had he been right?
The wolf snarled, and she stopped thinking about old Darwin—and focused on the killing machine before her.
Backup!Where was Antonio? She took a deep breath and attacked with all of her might, ripping, shredding muscle as?—
He rolled and his hind legs came up, catching her in the stomach. The wolf kicked her into the air.
Erin landed on her ass but jumped back up as fast as she could. Dee was inching ever closer to her gun.A fighter.She could be a fighter, too. “Come on, judge. You want me so bad, huh? Then come and get me.” She had to keep him away from Dee and her mother.
Erin held up her claws and bared her teeth. And knew that he was about to kick her ass.Can’t take him while he’s in wolf form.She just wasn’t strong enough.
But she could give him one hell of a fight. And maybe, maybe Dee could get her gun and blast the jerk with more bullets.Maybe.
She just had to hold him off long enough to?—
The wolf lunged at her. His teeth sank into her forearm, gouging deep holes into her flesh and biting all the way to the bone.“Sonofabitch!”
His claws raked across her stomach and his teeth—they wouldn’t let go! Fire ate at her belly, but she took that pain and used it to feed the beast inside who could never get out.
“Not a good way to treat yourmate.” She grabbed his jaw and had to pry the thing loose with hands that shook.
His eyes rolled. She caught the faintest sight of white in that darkness, and he twisted suddenly, shoving Erin and kicking into her legs.
What? Why was he?—
The hum of a motor rumbled in the distance. The wolf must have heard it before she had.
The wolf’s ears shot straight into the air. His head snapped in the direction of the approaching car, then he looked back at her. His muscles bunched. And damn if it didn’t look like the beastsmiled. Smiled—with her mother lying there, dying. With Dee bleeding out.
When the wolf leapt forward, Erin launched herself at him. They hit, hard, and the wolf knocked her into the dirt near the side of the road, and then he locked his teeth on her shoulder,inher shoulder.
Bad idea. So fucking bad.Her claws flew up and gouged at his eyes.
The wolf leapt away.
Take that, you ass. My dad taught me that move, before he realized I could break the hands of any touchy-feely punks who crossed the line.
“Go for the eyes, girl. Don’t be afraid to hurt him.”
She sure wasn’t afraid to hurt the wolf.
“Erin...” Dee’s weak voice.
She glanced to the left. Dee was on her knees, weaving a bit. Her white T-shirt was soaked red.
The wolf snarled, and she knew he’d seen Dee. His teeth snapped together.
Prey. Weak and ready.
The thought was hers, a sick instinct she’d always ignored, but it was Harper’s, too. She knew it.
So when he ran for Dee, Erin lunged after him. Her claws sank into his hind legs, and he twisted back. His paws hit her, taking her down with one hard blow, and she fell with the heavy weight of his body smothering her.