Page 161 of Hunt Me Down
Jude threw back his head and roared his rage at the night.
Over?Please, be?—
Jude jumped over the fallen body of the wolf. As he ran to her, the fur began to melt from his body. He fell before her as the bones snapped and shaped with sickening crunches. His fangs disappeared and a man’s face formed from the tiger’s.
Naked, strong, he knelt before her. Then he looked up at her. Jude didn’t speak. He just gazed at her.
Her hands fell on to his shoulders.Over.She stared into his eyes. Finally, the bastard was dead.
And Jude was alive and strong and right in front of her.
“Erin, are you all right?” Gruff, thick. Somewhere between the man’s rumbles and the beast’s growls.
She managed a nod. Too much blood on her, but... “I’m a fast healer.”
His gaze tracked over her bloody form, then rose back to her face. “Just so we’re clear,” he told her, his voice growing stronger. “You aren’t his mate. Never were.”
She shook her head. “No, you?—”
“You’remine, sweetheart. Have been from the beginning, just like I’m yours.” His hands wrapped around her waist and he pulled her close.
A tear slid down her cheek and splashed onto his shoulder. She wanted that to be true because she wanted him so much, but?—
His head tipped back a bit more. “Mine,” he said again, simply, softly.
And she echoed the word as she gazed down at him. “Mine.”
Then he was rising up, holding her too hard and so right and his mouth was on hers and he kissed her the way he’d always kissed her—with hunger and need and lust. And love?
She wanted to sink into him, to push the world away, but there was too much pain around her. Too much blood. She twisted back, pulling her mouth from his. “Jude, my mother...”
His nostrils flared. He glanced behind her and swore. Then they were moving together, rushing to Theresa’s side.
Her mother’s eyes were open, and she didn’t look as pale as death anymore. No, no, a hint of color lined her cheeks. “Did it?” she asked, her gaze on Jude’s face.
Shifters—always so strong. Theresa’s legs were still a twisted mess, but the gushing blood had stopped. Her mother just might pull through.
Relief had Erin’s breath catching. She crouched in front of Jude, shielding his naked form as best she could. Her mother could see his face, but, hopefully, not much else. Not that shifters were really known for any sort of modesty.
Jude gave a nod and said, “I ripped the bastard’s throat wide open.”
Somehow, her mother managed a weak smile at that. “Good...what the b-bastard...d-deserved.” Blood stained the corner of her mouth.
“Take it easy.” Erin put a light hand on her mother’s shoulder. “Help’s coming.”
That smile stayed on her bloody lips. “Don’t kill.”
Yes, she was, and Erin had never been happier to have a wolf for a mother. Actually, it might have been the first time shewashappy about that fact.
Theresa’s right hand lifted and clamped down on her shirt. “S-sorry...”
Erin looked into her eyes and understood. “How did you know he was coming after me?”
Her hand fell away. “S-saw L-Lillian...knew...wolf h-hybrid...f-followed h-him...”
“You could have died.” Anger there, the fear that wouldn’t leave because her mother was still too close to death.