Page 172 of Hunt Me Down
Kills. The fingers of his left hand tightened around the steering wheel. “How many are we looking at?”
“Henderson says maybe ten, could be fifteen. The guys aren’t even halfway through his place.”
He exhaled. How had they missed this? For all these years?
The judge had been good at pretending, and, apparently, killing.
“When are you coming back? Henderson thinks we can close some old cases?—”
Yes, they’d probably be closing almost all of Lillian’s unsolved crimes going back for the last twenty years, right to the date when good old Harper had first appeared in the city. “I’m on my way.” He’d have to pay a visit to Katherine. Let her know that she and the boys were safe. Then there would be other families to visit. Explanations to be made.
Explanations that wouldn’t include a story about a man who could shift into a wolf. Not that anyone would believe that, anyway, not without proof.
Those dog hairs. They’d been all over some of the vics. He’d never even suspected the truth about them.
“I’m on my way,” he said again and ended the call.
His eyes darted once more to Erin’s dark house. He’d be back. Erin had meant too much for him to just walk away with things shot to hell between them.
They wouldn’t be together again. Jude Donovan would see to that. And so would Erin. The way she’d watched the hunter—never looked at me like that.
The car’s engine purred to life.
Maybe, maybe after this case, it would be time for his life to take a change. Maybe a new start. A new city.
Hell, maybe Antonio needed a new detective—one who was learning the real score.
Werewolves.Who the hell would have thought those bastards were real? And sitting on court benches?
* * *
She’d wrapped a towel around her body. After Jude’s big confession, Erin had finally managed to snap her jaw back into place and now she paced next to the bed as she tried to figure out what to say.
Her gaze flew to him. He hadn’t dressed. And damn but he was sexy. Those broad shoulders. That chest with the rippling muscles and light covering of golden hair. Erin gulped as she stared helplessly at his flat stomach—and his huge cock. Already fully erect again and so close. Hers for the taking if she just would reach out and touch?—
She sucked in a deep breath. Okay, she’d killed the wolf shifter tonight. She could handle this. Right?Right.“Did you mean it?”
His hands were on his hips. His narrowed stare never left her face.
Okay. The knot she’d hooked between her breasts seemed to dig into her chest. “You said you loved me.” Sure, lots of men were known to get a little wild and chatty during sex, but Jude wasn’t most men. “Did you mean it?”
He took one long, gliding step toward her. Another. She didn’t retreat, and in seconds, he was right before her. “Hell, yeah, sweetheart, I meant it.”
And that lump in her throat—the one that appeared pretty often when he was near—came back with a vengeance.
Eyes intent, he told her. “I think I’ve loved you since that first hellish night at your place. You were standing there, with the blood on your walls, and your chin was up and you were holding onto your control as tight as you could with both your hands.”
She swallowed so she could speak. “My first instinct was to call you that night.”
“You knew you could count on me.”
Should have been impossible. She wasn’t the trusting sort, never had been, but, yes, she’d known he’d help her. And he had. Erin wet her lips. “There’s something you need to know about the judge.”
He waited. Just waited with that steady and intent gaze.