Page 61 of Hunt Me Down
The stairs ended at another door. Big and thick. Erin knew the parking garage was on the other side of that door. She’d mapped out the building before her first court date. Since she’d attracted the freak, learning all the exits in the buildings she frequented had become a priority for her.
Erin licked her lips. The guy’s scent hung in the stairwell. He’d been there, recently, and he could be waiting for her now, just on the other side of that door.
Her fingers lifted. Touched the cold metal. Was she strong enough to take him?
Not if he shifted. No way she could handle him then, but if he was in human form, well, his ass was hers. Nice little side benefit from her mother’s side of the family.
Not that dear Mom had ever cared about how strong I was.
Erin exhaled. Run or fight? Her choice was simple, and she really was tired of running.
Her cell phone vibrated in her purse, the shaking followed immediately by a loud chime.Dammit!
Erin grabbed the phone, yanking it out.Jude.She recognized his number now. She pressed the screen and lifted the phone to her ear. “He’s here.” A whisper.
Static crackled in her ear. Stairwells in the building were bad for reception, she knew that but—“Jude, the bastard ishere.” Waiting for her on the other side of that door.
“What?” A bark. “Where are you?”
“Courthouse.” She shouldn’t have been there. Another lawyer had been assigned to this case but he’d wanted to wait until morning for the court order and the cops had needed someone to movenow.“Parking garage.” A quick breath. “I can smell him.” Almost feel him.
“Get the hell out of there! Don’t give him a chance to get close to you!”
“This time, I’m going to get close to him.” No more running. No more dead bodies or blood in her home.
“No! No, I’m coming. Shit, I’m on my way.”
“Then hurry,” she whispered, and ended the call.Hurry because I’m not going to run again.
He was too close. She couldn’t just stand there and let him get away. She couldn’t let him escape and attack someone else, for her.
Lee’s bloody face flashed before her eyes. The man was in the ICU, hooked to a dozen tubes and needles. Because of her stalker?
No one else could get hurt.She couldn’t stand by and let another person face the shifter’s fury. The sick bastard needed to be stopped, and she’d do her damnedest to fight him.
Hurry, Jude.
And then the scent changed.
* * *
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
When Jude’s pickup screeched to a stop in the dim garage, his claws were out, his canines sharp, and he was ready to kick ass.
And he was scared—dammit,scared.When the hell was the last time he’d been scared of anything?
She’d better be all right. Better be completely safe. Completely unharmed. ’Cause if she had so much as a scratch on her, the freak would beg for death.
He shoved open his door, jumped out, and ran across the parking area. His nostrils twitched as he caught the other shifter’s scent.He’d stalked her, tracked Erin here.
“He’s gone.” Erin’s voice. Quiet. Steady.
Jude whirled around and found her standing in front of an open door, a stairwell.
She was alone. “You should have gone for help.” The words blasted out of him, deeper than normal, because the beast was too close to the surface. She’d stayed there, come looking for the freak. Was the woman crazy?