Page 91 of Hunt Me Down
“You...don’t want to...find the wolf.” The vamp pulled her head back, trying to ease away from those claws. “”
“Yeah, well, don’t worry about me. I think I’ll be just fine.” He leaned in a bit closer. “While you—you’re gonna find it mighty hard to keep bloodsucking without a head.”
That would be a challenge. Erin cleared her throat. “Jude...” She wasn’t going to let him do this. Couldn’t let him.
“Myrules, Erin, remember?” He didn’t glance her way.
The air in the alley was thick and hot and sweat trickled down her back.
“Mort’s Bar! S-seen the wolf...last Saturday.”
Mort’s Bar. Erin’s breath rushed out. She knew the place. The owner, Jacques, was old-school Cajun. AndMort...that meant death.
“Guess you get to keep your head.” Jude rose slowly, keeping his eyes trained on the woman.
“Asshole!” She scrambled to her feet. Her hand rose to her mouth, and she touched the hole that had been her right fang. “Bitch!” A cry directed at Erin.
Erin stared back at her. The vamp had been trying to attack her. Defending herself had been the only option.
“I hope the wolf...rips you apart!” Screamed at them. Then she was gone, bounding toward the back of the alley. Disappearing into the shadows.
Erin finally took a deep breath and?—
She choked back her gag.Smells like shit.
“Come on,” Jude ordered. “Let’s get out of here.”
Yes, that sounded like a great plan to her.
* * *
Jude slammed the door to the motel room. He threw the lock and waited for Erin to pounce. But she didn’t pounce. Didn’t glance his way. Didn’t speak.
Same routine she’d had in the truck.
Hell, I let the vamp live. Shouldn’t that count for something?
She jumped.Jumped.She’d been the one to knock the vamp’s tooth out, and, he was pretty sure she’d broken the blonde’s jaw.
The lady had a killer right hook. He’d remember that.
“I—it’s late.” Said without looking at him. But, yeah, it was late. Hitting close to three a.m. late. It had taken him forever to find a working girl hethoughtmight be a vamp.
Same rules, different city. Vamps liked to get their prey in the easiest possible way. Sex worked. Always had. Always would.
While the men were getting ready, so busy fantasizing and stroking their dicks, the vamps locked those teeth on them and took. Some humans liked the pain of the bite. Some were scared shitless.
Some fought. Some died.
Vamps didn’t usually care, no matter what the victim did.
Erin’s fingers rose to the front of her shirt and fumbled with the buttons.
Jude swallowed. Okay. She was stripping. Right in front of him. He could see the edge of her bra, dark blue. So if she was stripping here instead of heading to the bathroom, shewantedhim to look and that meant?—
Her fingers paused, and she glanced up at him. The woman totally froze him with her stare.