Page 99 of Hunt Me Down
Erin grabbed Jude’s hand. “He’s with me.” That was really all the judge needed to know.
Arrogant ass. She’d always hated going into his court. She’d made a point of wearing her longest skirts and her most concealing blouses.
Hot Harpermight have been a favorite with some of the other female lawyers, but no way had she ever wanted to be considered for wife position number four.
“Ah...I see.” Harper blinked. “Does Cartwright know you’re down here?”
District Attorney Kent Cartwright. “Yes. He knows.” Kent had been the one to help her get the job in Baton Rouge. He’d also been the guy Jude grilled for half an hour that morning. Kent swore he hadn’t told anyone where she went, and Erin was inclined to believe him. His responses had been too genuine.
“And why are you down here, judge?” The demand came from Jude, but it was a question also on the tip of Erin’s tongue. Being in the basement was on par with slumming for Harper.
And on a Saturday?
His lips thinned. “I was planning to meet an associate here. To discuss a private matter.”
Oh, yes. Right. Ten to one odds said the associate was a female. A most likelymarriedfemale if they were meeting in the basement, far away from prying eyes.
“Erin!” Cartwright’s sharp voice. He shouldered into the room, casting a quick, somewhat bemused stare at Harper. “Erin, I just got a call from the PD, thought you’d want to know...”
Not good. Couldn’t be good.
“A tip came in last night,” Cartwright hurriedly continued. “The caller said he knew where Donald Trent’s body was buried.”
The air seemed to leave her body in a hard rush.
Her eyes locked on Cartwright. The DA was just a few years older than she was. He had a politician’s open face. Light brown hair. Worried blue eyes.
Good old Kent. He hadn’t given her secrets away. No, not him.
“Where?” Her question was soft.
His lips thinned. “According to the 911 recording, the body is in the woods behind Katherine LaShaun’s place.”
She slammed the files closed. Jude was already moving, shoving past the other two men. Clearing her way. He was real good at clearing the way.
Erin raced into the hall. Rounded a sharp corner behind Jude and?—
Smacked right into Lacy Davis. A clerk in the DA’s office. Friendly, flirty,marriedLacy.
The woman grunted and stumbled. “Erin?” Her eyes, dark green, widened. “When did you get back in town?” Her gaze drifted over Erin’s shoulders and a red flush stained her cheeks. “J-Judge H-Harper, what are you doing here? I thought you’d?—”
She did not have time for this. Jude stood next to the elevator, holding the doors open and waiting for her. Great. “Got to go, Lacy, we’ll catch up later.” Not really, they’d never been close. She hurried forward, heart racing.Donald Trent’s body?
“Not so fast, Jerome.”
Kent’s voice. The hard and sharp tone that he usually just delivered in court.
She glanced back at him. She saw the judge reach for Lacy’s hand. He leaned in close and murmured something to her. Erin’s jaw locked and she gritted, “Kent, if they found his body?—”
He slanted a quick glance over at the judge, then stalked to her side. “You don’t work for me anymore,” he said, softer now. Probably so the judge wouldn’t overhear. Like that man was paying them any attention now. “You can’t go storming onto a crime scene.”
“But it wasmycase.” Still was, if he only knew what was really happening.
“Was,” he threw back at her. “It’s just mine now.” His shoulders straightened. “I always liked you, Erin.” A gentleness flashed briefly in his eyes. “You’re tough and smart, but my favors for you end here. You don’t work for me anymore,” he said again. “And I can’t let you interfere with an investigation.”
The damn thing was—he was right. No way should she be at a crime scene. But sheneededto be at this one.