Page 31 of Wicked Temptations
“Do you think sharing information with her is a problem?” Cat asked.
Everyone looked at TJ.
“Oh, hey, I’m not listening to any of this.”
Tamilya sighed. “I want to keep her in the dark about some things. Mainly because she never understood discretion within the FBI. You never tell everyone everything. There’s a reason for the different security levels.”
“Okay. I won’t tell her anything you don’t clear for me to tell her. Of course, I will deny it if the FBI asks,” TJ said with a smile.
She nodded. “So, now we know that the gun made it into someone else’s hands. Granted, if it had been used on a normal robbery or some other crime, it wouldn’t be an issue. The fact that a Russian with ties to funding terrorism was killed with it—that’s highly problematic.”
“And again, it could be just a chance meeting,” TJ said.
“What do you think happened?” Del asked.
Marcus watched the myriad of emotions move over her expression. It was so slight that he doubted other people noticed.
“At this point, I’m not sure. I have a few ideas, mainly that these three were the stooges. Someone wanted it to look like they planned it themselves. Or, they were willing martyrs, although that’s more of a Muslim attribute. They tend to believe in the cause. Many Russian assets are either FSB operatives or they are being blackmailed in some way, like I said. Either way, someone, or a group of people, were in charge of the bombing. Not these three, who had very low digital footprints, but none of it pointed to a clever mind. And whoever planned this attack was clever.”
Del nodded. “Make sure you go over the old case files. I have no doubt you know the case forwards and backwards but looking at it now with the new evidence and the indication that Golubev might have been involved, might shake something free in your memory.”
She shook her head.
“Okay, everyone, go home. Get sleep. Then come back bright and early to catch the bad guys.”
“You don’t want to go over the bombing—I mean the logistics of the attack?” Tamilya asked.
“No. I want everyone to get some sleep, including you. While this problem was dropped on our doorstep, there is no imminent threat that we know about. I called around to a few of my friends still working Military Intelligence and they said there is no indication of a threat, but I’m their first call if there is.”
She nodded as everyone started to clear out of the conference room. She was looking at her phone and sighing.
“Something up?” Marcus asked.
She shook he head. “Naw. I’m just thinking that by the time I go over a little bit more of this info, it’s going to be late and I have to drive to Kailua.”
“You could stay with me,” Autumn offered.
Tamilya shook her head. “Your pullout is so uncomfortable.”
“You can sleep in my spare bedroom,” he said before he could stop himself.
What the hell was he thinking? Having her over at his place was insanity. He knew she would probably say no, which meant she had no interest in him—like she had said before. Or, she would agree, and he would be thrown into the friend category. “That is if you have clothes.”
“I do. I always keep a change of clothes, but I don’t have a toothbrush or anything like that.”
“I keep extras.”
She blinked. “What?”
“Unused extras. When family comes to visit, someone always forgets something. I find it’s easier that way than going out in the middle of the night—because my sisters don’t ever realize it until then.”
She nibbled on her bottom lip. He wanted to lean closer and take over the job.
“I think you should,” Autumn said. “That way you know you can get some sleep and not have to rush back here in the morning.”
“You’re right,” Tamilya said.
“Thanks, Marcus.”