Page 39 of Wicked Temptations
Before he could ask what was going on, Del walked into the conference area.
“Okay, so we have a little bit of information thanks to TJ. He’s going to be in later, but he tried calling you and couldn’t get hold of you.”
Her phone buzzed on cue. She rolled her eyes. “Must have been in a dead zone. What did he say?”
He sighed and it sounded like the world was on his shoulders; because in a way, it was. “Nothing good. Seems that Golubev was flush with money. A lot of it. Charity is already working on the new batch of information we have acquired on him. He had accounts the FBI didn’t know about, and she found quite a few avenues that the FBI missed.”
“Imagine that,” Marcus said as he crossed his massive arms.
“So, he was getting money from somewhere?” Tamilya asked.
Del nodded. “Bit coins. At the moment, Charity thinks it was sourced from the Chinese. Now they don’t do as much as the Russians do in this situation. They tend to pay in cash, but Golubev isn’t stupid. This way was easier to hide it from his FBI handlers.
Tamilya’s text tone sounded and she looked at it.
Charity: Come down. I have something to show you.
“What is it?” Marcus asked.
“Charity. She has something for us.”
“Let me know what she found. I’ve got a conference call with the mayor and governor.”
“You have all the fun,” Tamilya said with a chuckle.
Marcus pressed the elevator button and the door opened immediately.
Once the doors closed, he said, “Are you still mad?”
She shook her head as she went over the info Del had just told them. Golubev had money from somewhere. Probably China, and Li was well known in terrorist circles. What would the two of them be up to?
“Earth to Tamilya.”
She blinked and looked at him. “What?”
“Is this about our personal life?”
He nodded.
“Not important right now. What’s important is this case.”
The door opened on their floor and he waited for her to step off in front of him.
“What?” he asked.
She stopped and looked at him. “If he was working with Li and he was here for a reason, then there is a good chance that Hawaii is the target. That means we might have another Virginia Star Mall bombing on our hands.”
On my hands.
Her stomach tightened when she remembered the slip of paper.
“Ala Moana.”
“What?” Marcus asked.
“The slip of paper said Ala Moana. It could be another hit in a mall filled with civilians.”