Page 48 of Wicked Temptations
“Okay, here it goes. I have a dead Russian that seems to be linked to the case that blew up my entire FBI career. Now we have bullets that match those found at the scene of the Virginia Star Mall bombing showing up in the victim here—if you can call such an asshole a victim—and we have a woman in the mix. I’m thinking she might just be the link. Not once did we pick up on that. It was my case and I missed something. I told myself all along that I had been wronged. That the FBI are a bunch of misogynistic buttheads who had it out for me because of the major FUBAR.
Now, top all of that off with the fact that I propositioned you last night and you turned me down, it’s embarrassing. You’re standing there looking at me as if I am insane and all I can think about is having you strip me naked and take me against the wall…or in bed…just anywhere. You were nice enough about the fact that you don’t really want me, but I can’t help it. I am just a little stressed and irritated. And hungry. You were right. We should order food.”
For a long moment, he stared at her. Then he blinked as if waking up from a dream.
“You think I don’t want you?”
“That’s what you took away from all of that?”
“I heard all of it.” When she didn’t respond, he said, “Tell me. Do you really think that I don’t want you?”
“Just forget it.” She tried to slip past him, but he grabbed her arm.
“Tell me.”
The demand wasn’t so nice this time. She looked up at him. There was a strange expression on his face.
“Fine, let’s finish the embarrassment part of my day. I think that if you really wanted me, you would have taken me up on my offer last night. Instead, you turned away from me.”
“Jesus, woman. I want a relationship. Isn’t that what women want?”
“Not every woman.” She did, but that didn’t mean he needed to know that tidbit.
“We need to get to know each other better.”
She blinked. “Wedoknow each other.”
“No. We didn’t spend any time getting to know specifics about each other. Well, other than our favorite sexual positions.”
She snorted. “Okay, here you go. I know that you come from a tightknit family. Your mom is a teacher. One sister is an egghead—your word not mine, and the other one is a lawyer. Your favorite food to eat is pulled pork sandwiches; although, I know that you’ve started to get a hankering for loco moco. Your favorite football team is the Jaguars, and you really don’t like baseball or hockey. Also, you barely tolerate basketball. You played defense in high school, and you prefer a little whiskey in your coffee when you don’t have to go in for the day.”
He stared at her.
His Adam’s apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. “You know all that?”
She nodded. “So, apparently, you just don’t know about me, but I don’t care. I understand that you don’t find me attractive anymore. Fine.”
And that made her sad. Granted, she’d been secretly lusting for him the last couple of months. More than that really. Okay, since their breakup years earlier, but she would be damned if she would admit it to him.
His hand was still wrapped around her arm. She looked down at it, then back up at him.
“Do you mind?”
“Yeah. I do.”
“You think I don’t know anything about you?”
She nodded. “I know it.”
“You come from a family of overachievers. All of you are eggheads in your own way. Your father worked in security and your mother was a professor. You’re not into sports, but you don’t mind having it play in the background. You are living with your parents right now because you’re saving up for your own place, and since your father had his heart attack a couple years ago, you want to be close. You are so fucking brilliant, although you forget that. Your name, by the way, came from your grandfather Talmadge. You went into the FBI because your father encouraged you and you wanted to do that since the time you were eleven. You give the best damned kisses a man could get, but more importantly, I know what you sound like when you come.”
Her mouth dropped open and she tried to think of something to say. She couldn’t even think.
“Cat got your tongue?” he said smirking down at her.