Page 54 of Wicked Temptations
She glanced at him. Her companion, lover…she inwardly sighed. She knew there were things they needed to discuss. He wanted a serious relationship, but she wasn’t sure she could give it to him. Right now, she had this mess sitting in front of her…them. They were both involved in this investigation, but more of it rested on her shoulders. Would there be room for a relationship when they wrapped this up?
“Hey, are you okay?” he asked, his gaze searching hers.
Tamilya nodded. “My mind is kind of melting at the moment.”
“I doubt that but keep your secrets until you’re ready to tell me.”
He slipped out of the SUV and she followed suit. The area was alive with activity. They were housed close to HPD and several other agencies, both federal and state. As they were walking, they heard a shout behind them. It was Del. He jogged to catch up to them.
“What’s the word?” she asked as they all hurried into the building.
“Most of us are in the conference area. I’ll go over it there.”
She wanted to stomp her foot, but she knew it was the right thing to do. They needed to make sure not to waste time because in these situations, time could save lives.
“Good,” he said, and she saw almost everyone was there. Only Elle and Graeme were missing, but they lived over on the other side of the island. It would probably take them forever to arrive.
“So, let me tell you what I know.”
TJ and Detective Rome Carino, their HPD liaison, walked into headquarters just then. Del nodded to them and continued.
“A vehicle, looks to be a truck or SUV, exploded on the corner of King and Ward. The driver died in the explosion. It wasn’t that much, but because of it, we’ve had to evacuate all civilians for a five-block radius.” The area he was talking about had a lot of businesses. “And, of course, the Blaisdell is locked down. We think that was probably the target; although, we won’t know for sure until we do some more digging. Right now, we’re going to take direction from the FBI and HPD. They are the ones in charge of securing the area. All agencies are being given an area to set up operations. This is part of what you worked on last year, Floyd, so you know how this goes.”
Marcus nodded. “Something like this will mainly be the FBI’s, but HPD is second. We help out where needed, and we can start doing more investigating while we wait to be called upon.”
“We’re on this investigation,” Autumn said. “Why wouldn’t we take lead?”
Del nodded to Marcus, who took over the question. “First, we don’t know if this is connected. There are a lot of assholes in the world. Second, we don’t have EOD. They will be at the forefront of the investigation.”
His phone dinged and he said, “I have to take this.”
He walked away and Del took over again. “I know that we like to fight with other agencies sometimes, but today is about saving lives. Do either of you have any other reports of causalities?” he asked, addressing Carino and TJ.
“The driver is the only one right now, but their worry is for the homeless around the scene. There are a few areas down there where they camp out,” Carino said.
TJ was reading his phone. “They found one other man nearby who is critical condition and on his way to Queen’s Medical.”
Marcus rejoined them. “There are teams coming in from both Kaneohe MCB and Pearl Harbor-Hickam. They will ready Schofield in case we need them. Right now they are going to help more on the perimeter.”
Del nodded. “You and Tamilya head out there. Tamilya, you are the POC for the time being. When I get there, I’ll take over that role. Text me our command center area when you get out there.” He grabbed a set of keys and tossed them at Marcus, who caught them without a problem. “Take the truck with all the gear.”
Just then, Graeme came stomping into the room.
“How the hell did you get here?” Adam asked.
“I hitched a ride with a chap from Kaneohe.”
“A chap?” Tamilya asked.
He smiled. “With one of the Marine copters. They were bringing some commanders down and I pointed out I needed to be here.”
“Why don’t you go with Marcus and Tamilya? They are going to set up our command post.
He nodded and turned to follow the two of them out of the door.
“How’s Elle?” Tamilya asked.
“She’s fine. I’m happy this is her day off.”