Page 57 of Wicked Temptations
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Marcus was stillirritated with their discussion earlier that day, but he kept his mind focused on their situation.
“So, you and Tamilya, huh?” Graeme asked.
They’d set up their tent and tables, laid out their gear, and were waiting for instructions and the rest of the team. Since EOD were still looking for bombs, the rest of them were stuck twiddling their thumbs. Marcus glanced at the mountain of a man standing next to him. He was one of the few men who could make Marcus feel normal in size. They were both over six three and weighed in the mid 200s thanks to their muscle mass.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“Worried she’ll hear?”
Marcus glanced over to where Tamilya was standing. Thanks to her being the POC, she had to deal with the organizational meeting. Most people would think he’d get pissed because he was hired before her, but in truth, she was more qualified for something like this. She was also ten times better than he was at protocol and interagency BS. He had no patience for it.
He watched the group across the street from them. She wasn’t just listening, she was adding her comments. Even after the crap she went through on that Virginia Star bombing, she wasn’t a shrinking violet. She was bold as brass, and it was one of the things he loved about her most.
It hit him then that even just thinking about love and feelings would have given him hives a few years ago. Now…well, now, it felt…damn. Good. Really good.
“Earth to Floyd,” Graeme said, snapping his fingers in front of Marcus’ face.
“Damn, what the hell did you do that for?” he complained.
Graeme stepped closer and lowered his voice. “Because the rest of the team is on their way over and they will definitely pick up on it. Especially Bradford.”
He glanced over his shoulder and saw that they were just a few feet away. Graeme was right. They would figure out what was going on with him if he wasn’t careful.
“Hey,” Adam said. The second-in-command had a grim look on his face.
“Something up?” Marcus asked. “I mean, other than the bombing?”
He shook his head. “Just heard there was one HPD causality.”
Damn. Adam was one of the original locals of the team, but he had been HPD before joining TFH. Everyone knew everyone else on Oahu, and especially if you were a cop.
“Sorry,” Marcus said.
“Thanks. I didn’t really know Dennis, but he was a good officer by all accounts.”
“Does anyone know how it happened?” he asked.
“They think he approached the vehicle out of suspicion,” Adam said.
“I know it is little comfort, but he probably saved lives just by doing that,” Cat mentioned. “Dennis and I went to school together.”
Adam nodded.
“Any updates?” Del asked.
Marcus shook his head. “Tamilya’s over there getting those right now.”
“She’s on her way back,” Autumn said, looking over his shoulder.
He turned and caught sight of Tamilya coming over from the meeting. She walked with a purpose. It was like the first time he had ever seen her. They were in a large lecture hall, and she had stridden down the aisles like she owned the damned place. Her confidence was one of the sexiest things about her.
“You’re drooling,” Autumn said. He tore his gaze away from Tamilya to look at the former DEA agent.
“How could I not?” he asked honestly.
Something moved over her expression, but all she did was nod.