Page 61 of Wicked Temptations
Marcus stepped up and heat flared. Just everywhere throughout her body. She was at work and trying to be professional, but the person she needed to pair with for work was in her head. What she wanted was to have him inside her anyway possible. This didn’t happen the last time they were together. In fact, even though she had been falling for him, she hadn’t beenthispreoccupied with him. Was she really in love with him all those years ago? Did she actually know him? She definitely didn’t know him then as well as she did now. He had been right. They had spent most of their time together in bed, or on their way to bed…or wherever they could have sex. Now, it was different. She knew him, his family…him. She just knew him.
“What’s going on?” he asked, his deep voice sending waves of lust through her blood. Dammit. She loved hearing it in the dark just before he thrust into her.
Her stomach tightened and her entire body lit up like the Friday night fireworks on Magic Island.
She cleared her throat but not her head. “I just got off the phone with Addie. She’s digging into past cases, and she had three names for Charity to research.”
He grunted. Tamilya knew he had a lot of issues with her old boss. She did too, but it didn’t mean Addie couldn’t be useful.
“She thinks it’s going to be a bigger campaign.”
“Like more attacks?” he asked.”
Tamilya nodded.
“Why?” Marcus asked.
“Why what?”
“Why does she think this is the beginning? I know that Hawaii has a little strategic value, but a bombing campaign?”
She shrugged. “There are other factors. If there is a connection to China, it is more than just a strategic value. There are financial concerns, and with a lot of shipments coming through Hawaii, that could be a reason. It’s also a way to leave all of the US off balance.”
TJ nodded. “I still don’t get that they would attack here.”
“Maybe a test case?”
TJ didn’t look convinced. She glanced at Marcus. He was waiting on her, letting her state her case.
“Hawaii is a microcosm, especially Oahu. Lots of people, not much land, but it would make it easier to send the island into a freak out. Terrorism is about scaring people. Imagine living here on the island with a bombing campaign going on. Inhabitants wouldn’t know when they would be safe. Add in the loss in revenue because tourists don’t like going to dangerous places. It would be an easy way to test out ideas.”
“That’s sick, and sadly, it makes sense,” Marcus commented.
“There are some real sick fucks in the world,” TJ said shaking his head.
“Oh, hey, looks like Charity is on the scene.”
Tamilya watched—not without a little envy—TJ’s face light up with joy at the sight of his wife. It was so sweet the way he seemed to melt the moment she appeared.
He rushed to greet her as Marcus stepped closer.
“What are you looking so sour about?” he asked, dipping his head close enough that she could feel his breath against her ear.
She shook her head.
“Come on. Tell me.” He probably meant it as a demand, but it came out as more of a plea. That difference curled into her heart, warming her from the inside out. Helpless to resist, Tamilya turned to look at him. They were so close that she had tip her head back so she could look him in the eye.
“It’s sweet. That’s all.”
Of course, he didn’t believe her because he wasn’t stupid. He shook his head. “No. That’s not it.”
She sighed. “She’s his whole world.”
She didn’t mean to have her voice crack on the last word, but it did. There was no way she could deny the yearning she had for that kind of relationship.
She looked away from him, embarrassed by her need. She should be beyond that. Her career was more important, right?