Page 75 of Wicked Temptations
Understanding lit Del’s eyes. “Protection. I doubt anyone would get in here.”
“I do too, but I wasn’t taking any chances. She gave me a little lip about it, because lord knows she’s as good a shot as me.”
“Better,” Adam said.
“What?” he asked.
“She scored higher the last two months on the range.” The smirk Adam was giving him was enough to irritate Marcus, but he didn’t care. When it came to Tamilya, he didn’t care if she out did him in everything.
“Damn. Okay, she’s better, but I wanted them to have to go through me. I don’t think they would want to kill her.”
Adam and Del shared a look.
“What?” Del asked when he faced Marcus again.
He wasn’t sure if he was being irrational or not, so he hesitated. “I think they may be after Tamilya. I’m worried that they wouldn’t come here to kill her. I worry they would be coming to get her.”
Again, his boss and second-in-command shared a look, then looked back at him. “Explain,” Adam said.
“This is personal. The fact that they contacted Tamilya, that they picked Hawaii. Let’s face it, Hawaii has some strategic value and, yes, we always remember Pearl Harbor on December seventh, but it would have little value to the mainland. The fear would be isolated. These people tend to want to make a big impact. The attack by the Japanese in ’41 was strategic. Taking out our Pacific Command worked for the war. Doing a bunch of little bombs, or not so little, only goes so far. It will leave people on edge here and people on the mainland will change their vacations, but with a twenty-four-hour news cycle, they tend to forget.
Del sat back in his chair, the familiar squeak the only sound in the office.
“Have you talked to her about it?”
He shook his head. “I wasn’t sure what I should tell her. I know she’ll be pissed that I came to you first, and I couldn’t really figure out why I thought she was a target. Tamilya likes facts not hunches. She might shoot me down and become entrenched. She might even push away protection because she wants to prove me wrong.”
Adam sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “That’s probably true.”
“What do you know about Addie?” Del asked.
“She’s a bitch.”
“Yeah, I agree. Anyone who leaves her people out to be blamed for something they should have handled makes them a bastard in my opinion. But now that she’s here and up in our business, I need to know even more. Is there a chance that she would be looking to move ahead and use us in the process?”
Marcus shook his head. “She’s leaving the FBI. Retiring. Tamilya said she’d lined up a security job with a big agency.”
“Odd. What is she doing here?”
“Maybe she thinks she can help?” Adam suggested, then shook his head. “Okay, that doesn’t sound right.”
“I think she’s worried it will hurt her at her new job. It will bring up all the scandal from that one fuck up and now she will have to explain herself.”
Del nodded. “That sounds about right. She only does things for herself from what I have gotten out of Tamilya.”
“Yeah, she had a rep in DC too,” Marcus said.
Something caught Del’s attention in the background, and he motioned with his hand. Marcus turned to see TJ in the office. He opened the door. “Did you need something from me?”
“Come in and shut the door. Addie March is already here.”
He made a face and Marcus smiled. “So you feel the same way as I do.”
TJ took the seat next to Marcus. “Don’t get me wrong. The woman has a computer in her brain, but there was always this mercenary feel to her. Just be careful around her.”
“She’s retiring,” Marcus said.
“I hadn’t heard that, but we don’t work for the same people. I don’t blame her in a way.”