Page 81 of Wicked Temptations
“Uh, guys, we have a problem,” TJ said from the backseat.
“What now?” Marcus growled.
“Addie March has been here longer than she said.”
“She arrived yesterday morning,” he said.
“How do you know that?”
“Charity. She’s with the HPD techs, and she did a little investigating. Addie was listed on the manifest of a plane coming the day before she said her flight got in.”
In that one instant, everything clicked into place. Mother fucking Addie March.
“Turn around,” he barked out. Adam glanced at him but instead he addressed Del. “Boss, you need to head back to TFH. It’s Addie March.”
“Fuck,” he said, not even questioning it. “We’re on our way.”
Adam turned on the sirens again and made a U-turn in the middle of an intersection. Marcus picked up his phone and started texting Tamilya.
Marcus: The bombers were involved with Addie. Be on your guard. We’re on our way back.
He waited but she didn’t respond. In fact, there wasn’t a read receipt.
“I don’t know why I didn’t see it before,” he muttered, praying that Tamilya would pick the phone up.
“What?” Adam asked.
“She’s bitter. While she did everything to get ahead, it never happened. Granted, she made it pretty far up that ladder, but she could never break free of her past. The woman probably had something to do with Virginia Star bombing. I should have seen it.”
She would have known all the particulars of the case. Tamilya had been taking her direction since Addie was the senior agent. And she had to be the one who steered Tamilya away from her hunches, leaving her to take the fall.
“How could you have known?” Adam asked.
“If Tamilya didn’t pick up on it, how were you supposed to?” TJ asked, but he was double checking his weapons.
“I just should have. I never liked the woman, mainly because of her treatment of Tamilya, but there were other things. She had issues with anyone who wasn’t under her thumb. She was a woman who always had to be in charge, and if not, she was sucking up to those in charge. If she didn’t get her way, she would make sure the people responsible paid for it—one way or another.”
“Did Tamilya answer?” Adam asked as he ran through a red light. Thankfully, it was late morning, so traffic had thinned out. Still, every mile felt like a thousand.
“No.” And that heightened his worry. The idea that she could be hurt or in trouble or dead was unbearable.
He shook his head unable to form rationale words. Instead, he concentrated on them getting to TFH. He just prayed they were in time.
* * *
Tamilya leanedback in her chair and tried to think but it wasn’t easy. She knew the team was with the FBI and she wanted to be there. Needed to be there. But she was stuck here doing stupid research.
“You’re being a little immature about this. You know in your heart that this is the best way to proceed.”
Addie’s voice was starting to grate on her nerves. Tamilya was wondering if she hadn’t been blamed for the Virginia Star bombing, how long she would have stuck it out working for Addie. With a few years distance, she could see what she’d missed before. Instead of being about finding the truth, Addie had always been about what could get her ahead. Even now, she was here, and not because Tamilya needed her. Nope, she was here because of her post-FBI career. She had to be one of the most self-centered agents Tamilya had ever met.
They had started out in the conference area, but moved back to her office. Tamilya just couldn’t think out there and decided to move back. Nothing was coming to her though.
“So, have you decided on where to go after you retire?” she asked, needing a diversion. Anything but thinking about what she was missing out on. She glanced at her phone waiting, waiting…waiting. But nothing came. She assumed that Marcus would tap her in, but she wasn’t sure how much control they had over that. With Agent Smith in charge of things like this, there was a good chance only Del was allowed on coms. It was stupid and territorial, but when the FBI got involved, they liked to take over.
“Nope. I have a few offers. I’m thinking maybe Miami. Kind of sick of the DC winters.”