Page 84 of Wicked Temptations
Tamilya blinked at the venom in Addie’s voice. “What?”
“You showed up and everyone went on and on about you. That you were some kind of fantastic brainiac.”
Great, so doing her job had ended her up in this place. It was just her luck that she was smart enough to get ahead at work but too stupid to see the traitor right in front of her.
“It was irritating, but not as irritating as when you discovered the cell for the Virginia Star bombing. Do you know how long I had been planning that?”
Her head started to pound as her anxiety rose to another level. As Addie had started ranting about everything, Tamilya had realized that she had been tangled up with the bombing. She had never thought she actually planned it.
“It was about the time they passed me over for Agent in Charge. I had the qualifications. I knew the job, did my work, but then, they promoted Kent Lautner.”
She spit the name out, and Tamilya agreed with the feeling. Two years after being appointed, Lautner had been suspended, then fired and prosecuted for sexual assault of a fourteen-year-old girl.
“Did he assault you?”
She shook her head. “No. I wasn’t in his age range apparently.” She shivered as if disgusted by it. “But I knew he was slime. I didn’t know he was that bad, but from what I read later, he had a taste for the young innocent ones. That is something you cannot call me. So, there I was, working my ass off, trying to protect America, and they gave me nothing. Worse, they put a bastard in the job that I should have had.”
Tamilya knew the story, had heard it whispered. But she had heard other whispers that she chose to ignore at the time. Addie had a temper and she tore down anyone who got in her way. You can’t rise up in the ranks if you are stabbing people in the back left and right.
“So, two years before the bombing?” Tamilya asked.
“Yes. Two years. I knew all the players, knew they wanted to do something on US soil, so I offered up my services.”
“How much?”
Addie blinked. “What?”
“How much did they pay you?”
“I didn’t do it for the money,” she spat out, seemingly disgusted with the idea.
“You didn’t do it for free.”
She smiled. “No. There were a few million reasons to be compensated. And when it went off and the FBI played the fool by saying they had caught the bomber and all was well, I was treated like a queen.”
And Tamilya’s career had been in tatters in what someone might call a twofer. “But why now? Why come to Hawaii?”
“There’s been others, you know.” The tone she used made her sound like a little girl sharing a secret.
“Others. The USS Franklin, the embassy in Columbia. I helped with all of them.”
She blinked realizing that Addie wasn’t just a danger, she might really be insane. She sounded so damned proud of herself.
“And now Hawaii. Why Blaisdell?”
She rolled her eyes. “That was supposed to be here.”
“Here?” she asked, her blood icing completely over. “Task Force Hawaii?”
She nodded, a secret smile playing about her mouth. “You were going to be my triumph.”
“And who was paying for that?”
She waved her gun. “Several sources. Chinese and Russian. They really don’t like the US.” She said the last sentence as if she were revealing some great secret.
“And why TFH?”