Page 86 of Wicked Temptations
“Okay, but we need to be extra careful. Explosives are all through this case. Who knows what that bitch has?”
TJ chuckled. “Bad words from Adam. It’s bad.”
“Remember, hand signals. No talking.”
He heard others start to show up, and he barely glanced back at them. But he saw Del running toward them and HPD SWAT screeching to a halt. They were first on the scene and since it was their headquarters, they didn’t wait.
They made their way into the building, their backs against the wall as they all worked in tandem. He knew that until they had a reason, no one else would be called in. That was standard operation procedure.
As they filtered into the office, they noticed that Tamilya’s door was open and they heard voices. Adam gestured with his head but held up his hand to wait. As he held his back against the wall, Adam inched closer to the office as TJ and Marcus stayed in their positions. Seconds ticked by and finally he motioned for them to come closer. With every little inch, Addie and Tamilya’s voices grow louder.
Then he heard the words that stopped his heart in its tracks.
“Why don’t you just shoot me and be done with it?”
Red haze and terror clouded his vision. He had his head on before, but right now, Tamilya just asked to be shot. Just like that. She thought she was alone, and she was willing to just give up and let Addie shoot her. All his worst fears rushed through him, leaving only anger in its place. He wasn’t willing to let her go, to give her up. He had only just found her again, and he wasn’t able to contemplate being without her.
He rushed forward knowing that it went against all of his training. It’s always better to take it slow, to make sure you know where the primaries are before you rush in, but his head wasn’t working. Only his heart…and his soul. If he lost her now, he would never recover. He knew that.
He stopped short of the door listening.
“Don’t worry. It won’t hurt. I couldn’t just leave you with a bomb because I wouldn’t be one hundred percent sure you would die. You never know how that is going to end up.”
Marcus moved just a little closer and that’s when he saw Tamilya. She was sitting at her desk, looking over it as if that was where Addie was. There was a good chance she was there because the office was small. He must have made a move because he sensed Tamilya knew he was there. She lowered her head and looked out of the side of her eye. Her gaze connected with his, and she shook her head as if telling him to wait.
Then she raised her head. “You think that bomb won’t go off when you set it down?” she asked, letting him know there was a bomb with some kind of a trigger. Probably more of an IED kind of device, which worked well with pipe bombs.
“I don’t, but I’m pretty sure of it,” Addie said, he couldn’t tell where she was. “The remote won’t work on it until I connect a few wires.”
That’s all he needed to know. He figured out where Addie was by where her voice had come from. If he rushed fast enough, he would definitely be able to at least gain the upper hand.
Without hesitation, he rushed forward, kicking the door open. He hadn’t thought her stupid enough to stand right behind the door, but she was close enough that it clipped her. Addie let loose a howl that sounded like a banshee, screeching profanities at him as she turned the gun toward him.
“You fucking bastard,” she yelled. He knew the best way to deal with her was to rush her. Closing the distance would throw her aim off.
He felt the heat of a bullet hit his right shoulder, but he ignored it. Adrenaline was pumping so fast through him that he barely felt it. They went falling onto the floor, Addie hit her head on the chair before landing with a thud beneath him. He held her down, but she wasn’t moving. He looked down and found her eyes closed. He felt for a pulse and found it easily. She had dropped the bomb and that had him pulling himself off the ground and looking for Tamilya. She was right there and he didn’t wait. He grabbed her.
“What?” she yelled as he shoved her through the doorway and slammed the door shut without explaining.
He didn’t answer her. Instead, he kept running, pushing her through the office. He yelled, “Bomb, take cover.”
Everyone scattered at that point and he realized there were more people in area. The rest of the team was there. They all hurried outside, running away from the building. He wrapped his arms around Tamilya and watched the building. She kept trying to say something, but he ignored her as he waited. Seconds ticked by and her muffled curses got louder. Finally, he loosened his hold.
“She said that she hadn’t connected all the wires.”
“If there’s explosives, you can’t mess with that. You never know what is going to happen.”
He looked over to see Sgt Kalama, the head of the EOD division of HPD SWAT. Then he heard the beeping behind him and watched as the bomb robot was wheeled down the pathway.
“Addie’s in there,” Tamilya said. “We should get her out of there.”
He kept his arms tightly around her. For some reason, he felt if he let her go, he might collapse.
“Fuck Addie.”
She snorted. “I agree, but she will have a lot of information about the networks she used.”