Page 117 of Irresistible
I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “So much better, and listen, I’ll be okay at Grinny’s. I’ll literally run out of the house and put some miles in if I lose it like I did earlier.”
She laughs and stands up, putting her hands on my chest. “And let us all miss out on one of your panic rambles? Not a chance.”
I make a face at her. “That was a one-off.”
“Oh, okay,” she teases.
“I’m serious. If you decide you’re not ready to tell them yet, we can wait. Thanksgiving is coming up and maybe we’ll have heard the heartbeat by then.”
“I’d like to tell them today. I loved telling Dakota about us. It feels wrong to keep secrets from her. It’s been the two of us for so long, I don’t want to do anything that makes her feel left out. I think we should tell her right before we tell your family.”
“Okay. Would you like it to be just the two of you?”
Her thumb rubs against my stubble and she smiles. “You’re really sweet, you know that? No, let’s do it together.”
My heart does that free-fall thing it does when she looks at me like this.
I lean my forehead on hers. “Together. Okay, Marlow Walker.”
* * *
When we get backto the condo, Logan leaves to run an errand, saying he’ll meet us at Grinny’s.
Dakota’s playing with her Legos, and Marlow gives me the look before calling Dakota over to her. I walk to the couch and sit down and Marlow joins me, patting the space between us when Dakota runs over.
“What is it, Mama?” she asks as she sits on her knees facing us.
Marlow reaches out to tuck a curl out of Dakota’s eyes. “I sure do love you, Kota,” she says, her voice shaking slightly.
“I love you too.”
“I love being your mama more than anything.” She sniffles and I squeeze her shoulder. God, I love her and the way she loves this little girl.
“You’re the best mama,” Dakota says sweetly. “And you’re the best Wyatt,” she says, not wanting to leave me out.
I pick up her little hand and kiss it and smile when she giggles.
“Wyatt and I have some really exciting news to tell you,” Marlow says.
“Oh, are we going on the alpine slide today?” she asks, eyes wide and excited.
“I didn’t realize that alpine slide was such a hit.” I laugh. “We’ve gotta get this girl back out there,” I tell Marlow.
“I know it,” she says, grinning at Dakota. “But today we’re going to Grinny’s, remember? And what we have to tell you can’t wait another second.”
Dakota claps her hands.
“It’s going to be a while…lots of months, and my belly is going to grow and grow and grow…” Marlow laughs with how big Dakota’s eyes get. “Andthen…you’ll be a big sister!”
Dakota’s mouth drops. “I will? Me?”
“Yes.” Marlow nods. “We’re having a baby!”
Dakota does a little dance and then she pauses midway through and looks at me, her brows furrowed.
“Does that mean Daddy’s coming back?” she asks. Her backside rests on her feet like she’s suddenly drained.
“Daddy?” Marlow echoes. “No, Cash—Daddy’s not coming back. Maybe he will visit sometime? I’m not sure, but…”