Page 119 of Irresistible
“Get ready to have the entire Landmark family all up in your business for the next seven and a half months,” Wyatt says before we walk into Grinny’s house.
Dakota is bouncing on the tips of her toes, her excitement fully present now that she knows she’s getting a baby and keeping Wyatt too. She broke my heart asking if she could pretend Wyatt is her daddy.
There are no signs of sadness in her now, and I can only hope that the hurt she has about Cash dissipates the more she experiences Wyatt’s love.
It’s hard as a mom to know if the mistakes I’ve made will catch up to my daughter or if she’ll be one who bounces back and defies all odds. I like to think she will. In a way, I’ve defied the odds after being raised by a narcissistic mother and not feeling loved.
Yes, I’m pregnant again and not married.
But if history were fully repeating itself, I’d take out my sadness on my little girl like my mom did. I’d try to live out my desires through Dakota without caring about what she wants, and I wouldn’t be creating a full, meaningful life for myself and my daughter.
I smile up at Wyatt. “I can handle all the Landmark family love.” I take his hand. “In fact, I’m counting on it.”
His eyes are so full of love when he smiles at me. I don’t know how I didn’t see it sooner.
Logan walks up. “Hey, I was hoping I wasn’t late.”
“Right on time,” Wyatt says. “Okay, here we go. I’ll wait for your cue, Little Rocket, whether we’re sharing our baby news today or not.”
Dakota beams and bounces right through the door when Wyatt opens it. We walk back to the great room where everyone’s gathered.
“Hey,” Wyatt says. “For anyone who hasn’t met Marlow’s brother yet, this is Logan.”
Logan reaches out to shake Callum and Sutton’s hands and hugs Sofie hard when she rushes toward him.
“Just in time,” Grinny says. “Grab a plate. We’re just helping ourselves at the island. I didn’t do much.”
“Not much at all,” Wyatt says, leaning over to kiss her cheek. “Just the biggest lasagna I’ve ever seen, two salads, and enough garlic bread to feed the town.”
She laughs and swats his chest.
I walk over to hug Sofie and am about to whisper my news in her ear when Sutton yells, “Hey, Pappy! Glad you could make it!”
I glance at Grinny and she’s frowning at Sutton and then Pappy like she’s confused.
“Uh-oh,” Sofie whispers. “Grinny doesn’t look pleased.”
“Well, hello there,” Grinny says to Pappy.
Pappy’s cheeks flush. “You seem surprised to see me. Did I get the day wrong? Sutton said you invited me over for dinner.”
Sutton gives Grinny an innocent look.
“Of course! You are always welcome here,” she says to Pappy and his shoulders relax a little. “I’m surprised you can still fit us in your schedule with how popular you’ve gotten around here,” she teases, and Pappy flushes redder.
“I’ve always got time for this family,” he says.
“Dakota, do you need to use the bathroom?” Sofie asks.
I look over and she’s no longer bouncing, now Dakota is jumping up and down, eyes wide. My eyes narrow as she shakes her head.
“What’s going on, babe? Can you stand still? Catch your breath,” I say.