Page 46 of Irresistible
But getting to sit across from her every day this week has been fucking great. This quest for friendship is paying off. She’s not looking at me with such suspicion anymore, and I don’t assume everything she says is a rip on my personality like before.
I’ve also been filing things away about her.
“Oh my God, I love taco day,” she says, taking a huge bite out of her taco.
It’s weird how much I love watching her eat.
I pull out a big bag of Reese’s Pieces and she lights up.
“How did you know those are my favorite?” she asks, opening the bag while still chewing her taco.
“I saw you ciphering through the candy bowl in the break room.” I laugh. “Easy deduction.”
She also passionately loves hospital ice.
Coke. (Never diet.)
And today, during breaks and now continuing during lunch, we’re discussing rom-coms.
“I’m one of the few people I know who’s okay with the wayMy Best Friend’s Weddingended,” she says, pausing for my reaction. “You saw it, right?”
“Yeah, Scarlett made me watch it. I think she was crushing on Blake at the time and she bawled at the end.”
“Sofie hated the ending too…it made her think of Theo even though they were never just best friends. But Cameron Diaz won me over in the karaoke scene,” she says, shrugging. “I liked how vulnerable she was…and if Julia and Dermot were supposed to be together, something surely would’ve happened long before he was getting married.”
I nod. “Maybe they were both afraid of ruining a good thing.”
She raises her eyebrows. “But if it was meant to be, it would’ve only made them better…” She leans in. “I did also cry at the end because I felt really bad for Julia.”
I smile and feel that pang in my chest every time I look at her. I didn’t know being her friend would be a physical pain, but it is. She literally makes my heart hurt, and I keep coming back for more.
“How did you feel about Ross and Rachel?” She takes another bite of taco and watches me carefully for my response.
“Uh. I liked them? I never watched the whole show.”
“You never watchedFriends? It’s like a rite of passage.”
“I’ve seen reruns, but I’ve never watched it from beginning to end,” I admit.
“Well, I’m also one of the few who actually rooted for Rachel and Joey because Ross turned into such a whiny baby. The wholewe were on a breakthing made me so angry I never fully got over it, and I liked how loving Joey became when he and Rachel got close.” She lifts a shoulder. “His soft side was really nice. But I was also happy for Rachel and Ross because…it’s Rachel and Ross.”
“Hmm. I guess I’ll have to watch the show now.”
She nods. “Let me guess, you were more of aGrey’s Anatomyfirst season kind of guy…”
I shook my head. “Too unrealistic. I did likeHousethough.”
“Only saw part of one episode, but I did see that guy in a British show and was shocked by his accent because he was hysterical inSense and Sensibility.”
“Never saw it.”
“Oh my God, iconic. Willoughby,” she cries. “Willoughby.” She stares into the distance and when she looks at me again, her eyes are misty. She shakes her head. “Iconic,” she repeats.
“Wow. I guess I’ll have to watch.”
“Do you have a favorite show or movie?” she asks.