Page 53 of Irresistible
She looks at him as if to sayI’m leaving only because I want toand trots off, stepping over a place in the fence that’s in need of repair. Callum grumbles and it’s then I notice the tools in his hand.
“I’ve gotta fix this fence or this morning’s episode will be nothing. Delphine is in the barn right now, so it’s a good time. The rest of the cows are grazing. It’s this one that just can’t cooperate.” He hustles to the fence and gets to work while I set down the beer and try to assess how I can help.
“You ever think of selling her? Seems like you’d have a lot more peace around here.”
Every other week, Callum’s telling the family about some mischief or another that either Delphine or Irene have gotten into.
He shoots a glare my way and then tilts his head up for me to steady the woven-wire steel mesh fencing for him to secure it.
“She was one of my best producers,” he says.
“Was? Doesn’t that mean you sell her and get a new one who can keep the milk production up?”
“Wouldn’t feel right to do that just because her teats have retired.”
I snort and shake my head. “For the foulest of us, you sure are the softest hearted.”
“Shut up.”
We work our way down the fencing until it’s completely sturdy again and he lifts his beanie long enough to push back the hair that’s going in every direction.
“Thanks,” he says.
He points at the beer. “You leavin’ that out here to tempt the animals or what?”
I chuckle and follow him inside. I don’t care much for this beer, but after two, it’s going down a lot easier.
After a few hours, I walk the miles between his house and my condo instead of driving. And even with the distraction, the exercise, the fresh air, the beer…at the end of the day, my mind is still on Marlow Hennessy.
“But Owen won’t be there the whole time?” Dakota asks on the way to Grinny’s house.
We’ve talked about it every day this week. We even came over to Grinny’s a couple nights to hang out so Dakota would be completely used to it—more for my sake, I think, than for Dakota’s. She loves every chance she gets to be at Grinny’s and seems excited to be a big girl staying overnight somewhere.
“Remember Sutton said Owen would be at Grinny’s, but his mom is picking him up after lunch on Sunday?” I look at her in the rearview mirror.
She nods. She remembers, she just wants to discuss it.
“And remember, if you need me, you can call anytime, or I can fly home.”
Since I’d taken off Monday when I agreed to go on the trip, I told Sutton I could come back then if that helped, but he said the pilot had told him this weekend was reserved for us, so any variation of travel we needed to do would be fine.
It puts my mind at ease to know I can get home quickly should the need arise.
I’ve been all over the place about this trip. Leading up to it, I’ve been mostly anxious, but each time we’re with Grinny has helped. And then yesterday, I finally got excited.
I smile giddily as I pull into Grinny’s driveway. If I didn’t still have some nerves going about leaving Dakota for the weekend, I’d feel light as a feather. Lighter than I’ve been in years.
Because not only am I going away for the weekend to celebrate my best friend marrying the love of her life, but I am celebrating my freedom from Cash Hennesy.
My newly single status.