Page 17 of Falling
He picks it up and looks at the back. I’m pleased when he tucks it under his arm.
“You ready?” he asks.
“Yes.” I laugh. “Hopefully I can make it to the house to change in one piece.”
“I’ll make sure you do,” he says with a sigh.
I flush again. “Thank—”
“Ahh—” he says, lifting his hand.
“You can’t stop me from being grateful.”
“I’m not,” he says, sounding amused. “You just seem surprised by decency.”
I swallow hard, feeling a lump rise in my throat.
“You’re right,” I whisper. “I think I am.”
I walk toward the door and he opens it, moving out first and then lifting his hand up to help me out. I’ve stepped out of this thing a million times, but with his boots waiting for me in the snow below, I’m glad for his help. We make it back to the house without any altercations and I rush to get out of his boots and hurry to change, feeling the urgency to see Dolly growing with every minute.
Callum’s waiting just outside when I step out in my clothes. He assesses my outfit much the same way as he did when I was in his clothes. His eyes on me aren’t pervy, more like observant and curious. I can’t tell if he likes what he sees or not, and for some reason, I wish I could.
As someone who was raised withlove, light, and sunshine, babyas the family motto, I’m usually pretty chill. So I don’t know if it’s getting betrayed by Junior yesterday or the steady thrum of energy Callum Landmark seems to provide me, but I feel a little out of my element here. It’s probably best that I figure out the RV situation and get it parked as close to Uncle Pierre’s as I can get…just as soon as possible.
“She’s that way, right?” I ask, pointing toward the barn.
“Yes, in the far right corner.”
I nod and head in that direction.
“Bill can stop by in a few hours,” he says, falling into step next to me.
It’s hard not to say thank you in there too, but he obviously thinks I overuse the words. I personally think you can never be too grateful, but I honestly haven’t ever had acircumstance like this where someone else is helping me so much. I’m used to bending over backwards for people and then being teased for the way I am.
Ruby Sunshine Jones, always a ray of freaking sunshine.
Ruby Sunshine Jones, people pleaser personified.
Ruby Jones,meh.
I shiver slightly, wishing I’d kept Callum’s sweater on over mine—it seemed to cut through the cold.
When we step through the gate, a brown and white goat runs over and a black and white cow isn’t far behind. They come to an abrupt stop in front of us, causing me to almost fall again, but Callum puts his hand on my elbow, bracing me.
“Hi girls,” he says softly. “This is Ruby. Be nice, okay?” He nuzzles the cow and she gives him the biggest melty eyes, while the goat leans against him and does everything she can to get his attention.
“Oh my goodness. They’re too cute for words.”
“Cute and rotten,” he says. He pats the cow’s head. “This is Irene. And her little sidekick there is Delphine. But don’t be fooled. Delphine’s the instigator.”
Delphine leans more aggressively into Callum, and he surprises me by bending down and picking her up and hugging her like I’d imagine hugging a dog or cat. She nestles into him and he holds her close for a few seconds before setting her back down. She runs around him, happy now.
I laugh, too delighted and overcome to think straight. Is there such a thing as eye pheromones for what I just saw? I mean. That was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.
A few of the other cows come over and Callum greets them by name.