Page 1 of Silver Fox's Baby
Oh, God, please let this be a nightmare. This cannot be happening right now.
I stare down at the notice on my email and then glance over the top of my laptop at the person responsible for my current predicament.
He can’t do this to me.
How can he just stand there and keep talking about Business Ethics—which I should probably be more focused on taking notes. Argh.
But how can I when Professor Hard-ass Banks isfailingme?
I can’t fail this class. I can’t failanyclass! My life depends on it.
My little brother needs me, and we can only count on each other. I can’t disappoint him like that. I’m doing the best I can, but I’m letting him down. And that hurts more than anything.
The note on my monitor slices through me, not because I’m a bad student but because I’m a bad sister.
I’ve never struggled with a grade until today.
I can’t let this guy be the reason I fail my brother.
I have to talk to Dreadful Dr. Banks.
“We’ll pick up on this tomorrow,” his gravelly voice booms across the lecture room. “I’ll post the notes on the portal—and Ihighlyrecommend you take the time to look over them before class on Thursday.”
I scribble down a note to do what he asks, hoping that I’ll remember to even check my notebook later, but knowing I probably won’t because I’ll be too exhausted.
Chatter and the sounds of students packing up and moving fill the room as I make my way to the front.
I have to make him understand...
I push some of my hair out of my face, my heart thudding in my chest as I wait behind one other student.
“I understand that you’re going to be absent, but there’s nothing I can do. I post all the notes online. It’s your responsibility to keep up with that.” Hard-ass Banks’s deep, unapologetic voice catches my attention.
I peer around the dark-headed, tall girl asking for some leeway, to see the man himself.
Holy crap, Dr. Banks ishot.Straight-out-of-a-magazine kind of hot.
His thick, mostly dark hair with some streaks of gray matches the well-maintained facial hair lining his square jaw.
I’ve always sat in the back and have never gottenthisclose to him.
He’s so tall. He doesn’t look small or feeble from the back but wow, this close up, he towers over my five-foot-four frame.
And I can tell that he’s lean and muscular beneath the white dress shirt and blazer.
“Can I help you?”
I blink at the sound of his voice, my cheeks flushing as I’m met by a pair of silver blue eyes. “Um...”
Dr. Banks raises a brow. “Um, what?” He taps an impatient finger on the podium. “I have another class in ten minutes, Miss...?”
“Everett,” I blurt out. “Melody Everett.”