Page 52 of Worthy of Fate
He blinked rapidly before meeting my stare. “Apologies. I just can’t stop thinking about what Kleio said to you.” My previously good mood dampened as the worries of reality rushed back into me.
“It can’t be a coincidence,” Eamon whispered, seemingly more to himself than to us.
“What isn’t a coincidence?” Nikan’s eyes narrowed as we both sat up.
Eamon shook his head. “Kleio said that the Glaev is not what it seems. Correct?”
I nodded.
“We have never known what the Glaev truly is, but the most common theory, from those that have studied it, is that it’s some kind of unexplainable disease. However, there was one earlier theory several decades ago from a Scholar named Rolim Fawarin in Torx, that the Glaev was the result of a kind of magic not of this realm.”
My eyebrows raised. “Like magic from the Gods? Or Spirits? What made him think it was magic and not a disease?”
“I don’t know, and no one else knows the full extent of the theory either. He died and, we had thought that the information had died with him.”
“Hadthought? You no longer think this?” I tilted my head slightly.
Eamon grinned widely. “Yes.”
He stood and retrieved a scroll of parchment from his desk before returning and laying it out on the table between us.
“A few weeks ago, we received word that a book in an unknown languagemysteriouslyappeared, and that this anonymous founder was willing to sell it to Morah.” We all knew that was code for ‘most likely stolen’ and Nikan and I gave Eamon a knowing look that he didn’t seem to notice.
“The interesting part was that when it was examined for authenticity, there were pages of notes tucked into the creases written in the common tongue.”
“What does any of this have to do with Kya finding out the truth of the Glaev?” Nikan interrupted. I understood his impatience, the High Scholar had a habit of rambling.
“I was getting to that,” Eamon scoffed then cleared his throat to continue. “Several of the inserted pieces of parchment wereinscribed with the author’s initials: R.F.” He pointed to the intake record in front of him, detailing the notes within the book.
My mouth fell open when I realized what he was insinuating, and Eamon smiled, noting my expression.
“Would you like to take a guess onwherethe book was found?” he prodded.
“Torx,” I muttered.
“Exactly.” He leaned back and crossed his arms with a pleased expression on his face.
“And the notes in this book contain Rolim’s theory about the Glaev?” Nikan asked skeptically.
“Erm, well, we’re not entirely sure. That was the next part I was getting to.”
“Please do.”
“Right. Well, the book arrived at Morah only a few days ago, and it had not yet had the chance to be properly examined. It was placed in the linguists’ department initially to see if they could decipher the language, they didn’t recognize it.”
“So we need to examine it,” I said. Seemed simple enough and I understood then why Eamon thought all this a coincidence.
“We can’t.” Eamon sighed heavily. “The book, and the notes within it, were stolen last night.”
I flinched when Nikan jumped out of his seat.
“What?” he yelled. “Why didn’t you tell me immediately? I could have tracked them down.” The stone hearth next to us cracked when Nikan hands curled into fists.
“Nik,” I warned.
“It’s alright, Kya.” Eamon held up his hand and Nikan sat down, his breathing heavy, I could scent the rage emitting from him. “The Scholars didn’t realize it until this morning and told me shortly after they confirmed it was missing. And before you ask, yes, they were certain that it was in its proper place whenthey left it last night. I didn’t have the chance to tell you before Kya arrived.”
“I’m sorry, Eamon.” Nikan bowed his head.