Page 58 of Worthy of Fate
My heart swelled in my chest with hope that my mate recognized this for what it was, until I heard that she couldphysicallyfeel me somehow. I let go of her mind as she stood and took a step toward me. I hesitated, thinking that this would be when I finally got to meet her. But it wasn’t the moment I wanted. Not with her in such an emotional state. I left before I could change my mind, but I didn’t go far.
I couldn’t.
I retreated back to my perch in the tree, far enough that I couldn’t be seen but close enough that the bond felt content enough. Closing my eyes and resting my back against the rough bark, I let my imagination wander to the possible future I could have if my mate accepted me. I wanted to learn everything about her. What her favorite things were, or what she feared. What made her laugh and smile, or what made those gorgeous green eyes glare. I wondered if she loved the mountains or the ocean or caves. I needed to know.
Theron’s voice interrupted my dreams, eliciting a scowl from me.
“You have been summoned by the Sages.”
I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I knew that Theron was near me, and could feel his presence.“When?”I bit out.
“They wait for you now at the Oryn Palace.”
“And you suddenly have become their messenger?”
“The Sages have spiritual enhancement, Worthy. They have spoken to me to request your presence. I would advise that you heed their call,”he snapped.
Grumpy fucker.
Regardless of his temper, he was my Spirit Guardian and I respected him. I went to where he was waiting, and agreed to have him Travel me back to Oryn. Taking only seconds to get there, we appeared on the roof of the palace. Theron stayed behind while I made my way down to my bedchamber to change into my black suit and Lord’s Circlet. Mavris met me in the corridor outside the great hall. Also dressed in formal attire, the stern look on my brother’s face told me that I would not be pleased with this meeting.
Taking a deep breath through my nose, I stepped into the mask of the Lord of Oryn and proceeded into the great hall, taking my seat and gesturing to the steward to open the large double doors.
My lips curled into a sneer as one of the high Sages of Bhara, Zareb, and Vicria entered the room. I had no issues with Zareb. From what I knew of him, he was a good and honorable Sage who was dedicated to the Spirits and the balance they demanded. It was the female Sage he was traveling with that repulsed me. Mavris tensed. He knew of Vicria and her vile ways, having personally known good males to fall for her seductive tactics and be ruined afterwards.
The Sages approached and bowed their heads.
“Good evening, Lord Ryker. Thank you for seeing us. I hope you are well,” Zareb greeted.
“It is well past evening, and I do not wish to exchange useless pleasantries. Get to the point and tell me what it is that you want.” My snarl echoed against the stone walls. I didn’t care that he was a high Sage, and I wanted her out of my Nation.
He nodded. “We wanted to plead with you again to stop this panel from happening and deny the bond between you and your mate. The other Worthy have expressed their rejection of this divine union between two Worthy. As a Lord yourself, I wouldpersonally find it to be a great shame for either of you to endure the Raith.”
“Your concern for both me and my mate’s well-being is noted, but irrelevant. I will not leave our fate up to you or the council. And you should be ashamed. The bond of mates is one you should hold in the highest regard,especiallybetween two Worthy. The bond was granted to us by the Gods, and it will be our decision. Not yours.” I stood, my shadows creeping along the floor around me, streaked with heat, and their spines straightened. “Will that be all or did you have any other pointless purpose for traveling all this way?”
The arrogance of these Sages, coming to my home in the middle of the night, summoning me and making demands, had wrath burning through my veins.
“Please, Lord Ryker, I strongly urge you to reconsider. It’s not solely our function to favor the bond, but also to ensure the balance of peace between the Nations. This will not end well, you know the laws. The Council’s decisions will be absolute.”
My eyes narrowed. “Leave,” I commanded with a lethal calm. My hands vibrated with energy.
Mavris cleared his throat. “I’ll escort you outside the palace.” He stepped from the dais and the Sages followed him out of the hall. I turned to leave as well, recalling my shadows and ready to put as much distance between us as possible, but stopped when I heard the unpleasant sound of Vicria’s voice right behind me.
“Lord Ryker,” she said with her sultry tone. I turned to face her. Her white hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her robes as she approached with heavy-lidded eyes. “I can see that the bond is paining you. You desire to have her. My offer still stands. There are many ways to lessen the urges, and I can help with that. It’s late, but we could start right now.”
She lifted her hand as if to touch me, but my shadows erupted forth and pinned her to the wall. She writhed and snarled, trying to escape the grasp of my shadows.
I huffed a humorless laugh. “You’re a fool for not remembering my warning during our last encounter. And you’re utterly deranged if you think I would accepthelpfrom you.” I leaned in close, my shadows tightening around her and heating, not enough to burn her but enough to cause her to wince from the sensation. “Enter Oryn again and I will burn you alive, consequences be damned. So long as the realm is rid of your filth—”
“Lord Ryker,” Mavris snapped from behind me.
I slowly turned to face him, letting Vicria fall to the floor. “Get her out of my Nation.”
“Talk some sense to your Lord before you all regret it.” I heard Vicria say to Mavris as I rounded the corner.
I stormed back up to the roof and paced back and forth. The bond burned in my soul, displeased with the distance, making my skin crawl with unnatural discomfort. Theron didn’t say a word as I mumbled curses to myself. A few minutes later, Mavris walked up to the roof.
“They’re gone. I had three Noavo warriors escort them to the borders through the Ihab pass,” he said as he approached me. “So, you’re not going to do it?”